Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Desserts (cold) Piece of cinnamon Sugar Eggs ...

There must be either a baking mold for the flannel or small portions in metal or porcelain, possibly. coffee cups.

Melt the sugar. Distribute it in the shape or in the cups, even up the sides, when it is golden. Beware: hot sugar is very burning.

Bring t...

Desserts (cold) Squash or pumpkin (about 1 ½ kg.) Water Whipped cream ...

The parsley is halved and the cherries are removed. Divide each piece into 3 parts. Remove if necessary. Dark thorns or the like. Pour water into a pan and put the pumpkin pieces next to each other. Sprinkle piconcillo or powdered sugar on them and bring the w...

Desserts (cold) Almond pulp slipped Sweet sherry Ground nutmeg ...

Felt chayotes pumpkins (generally Danish pumpkin can be used). Place the pieces in a saucepan and pour so much water that they are covered. Put on a lid and let them cook at low heat approx. 30 minutes (or until they are tender). Once they have cooled, the che...

Desserts (cold) Ginger ice cream Alm. vinegar Good vanilla ice cream ...

Whip the egg whites stiff with vinegar. Get half of the sugar in and whip for one to two minutes. Bring the rest of the sugar and whip again for half an hour. Chop the nuts roughly and turn them in. Bowl on a plate, and indicate if necessary. Bottom size up. B...

Lunch (to go) A remnant of boiled or fried chicken (approximately 40 grams) or 4 slices of chicken cold cuts Onion rings Tomato, sliced ...

Two of the bread slices are lubricated with a little mayonnaise. Distribute salad, tomato and chicken on the two pieces. Put some onion and roasted bacon on. The three pieces of bread are now gathered into a 'trekker', with the only piece of bread at the top. ...

Desserts (cold) Wheat flour Boiling water Dark chocolate ...

Chop the chocolate and mix it with cocoa powder and brown sugar. Pour boiling water over and stir until the chocolate is melted. Stir the egg yolks in. Whip the egg whites stiff and turn them in.

Distribute the dough into a spring shape lined with baking pa...

Pickling Sidestep sugar Forest fruits ...

Mix a bag of frozen blackberries (300) gr. With 200 g. Of sugar in a saucepan.

Boil slowly and allow to boil for 10 minutes. Deep a spoon in cold water and remove if necessary. Foam until there is no more foam left.

Distribute the finished jam in scallop...

Cakes Cooked cake cream or jam to taste Salt Icing sugar ...

All ingredients must have room temperature.

The milk is poured and poured into a bowl. The yeast dissolves in the lukewarm milk - then add the other ingredients and the whole is kneaded into a uniform dough set aside for a slight place, covered to double si...