Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Cakes in form Lemon juice Baking soda Lemon grated to thereof ...

Put the raisins in the room and let them pull for an hour. Cut the apples into cubes and turn them with a little lemon juice. Cut the almonds into smaller pieces of butter and sugar light and airy. Stir the eggs at one time and stir well between each egg. Stir...

Desserts (warm) Torn shell of an organic Lemon Cocoa Caramel crunch ice cream ...

The butter is melted in a saucepan. Sugar and eggs are whipped together into a bowl. Wheat flour, cocoa, vanilla and lemon must be stirred in. The butter is added and the dough is stirred evenly.

Chop the chocolate and turn it into the dough. The dough is p...

Pickling Apricots Pineapple in its own juice Dates ...

Apricots and dates are boiled 3-5 minutes in a little pineapple juice. Blend in the blender with the pineapple. Cool....

Cold cuts Water as needed Vanilla Orange grated to thereof ...

Figs, dates and apricots are covered with water and boiled tenderly. The roasted hazelnuts are ground to butter in the food processor. Figs, dates, apricots and the ground nuts are mixed in a bowl with carob powder, honey, vanilla and orange peel. The consiste...

Sauces Peanut or corn oil Water Crushed yellow bean sauce ...

Pour water, sugar, yellow bean sauce and oil into a wok or pot. Heat it over low heat for 3-4 minutes or until the sugar is completely dissolved, stir constantly so that it blends into a lind sauce.

Leave it cool and serve when it has got room temperature....

Cold cuts 0.5 TSP. garlic powder Sea salt Walnuts ...

Nuts and sesame seeds are blended first, then the water and the rest of the ingredients. Pour into a pan and boil for whipping for approx. 3-5 min. Pour into small refractory bowls. Can be turned and decorated....

Cold cuts Sea salt Dill Garlic ...

Cashew nuts are painted nicely. The peppers are chopped. Everything blends in the blender. Pour into a pan and boil for whipping for approx. 3-5 min. Pour into small refractory bowls. Cool. Can be turned and decorated....

Base recipes Garlic to taste Small glass black olives without stones ...

The olives are blended to butter on the food processor. It may take some time, as the mass likes to work up the sides. Push the pulp down with a dough scraper occasionally. Add crushed garlic....