Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Roughly chopped parsley or thyme Cream Thyme ...

Rinse the rabbit and dry it well. Cut it into pieces. Cut the corn of the pork and cut it into thin strips. Pour onions and rinse mushrooms and cut them into slices. Brown the butter on the forehead, put on the canines and let them have a nice color. Pour the ...

Mains Lemon juice Curry Paprika powder ...

Cut the rabbit into pieces of pieces. Lightly brown the butter on a frying pan. Brown the meat into small portions to make them brown brown everywhere. Put the meat in a saucepan. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Clean the onions and peppers. Cut the pepperco...

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

The rabbit is divided into suitable pieces and brown in fat. As soon as the rabbit is browned, add vegetables that are planed roughly and grind a cut into rings, as well as water, tomato purée and spices. Steady for low heat for approx. one hour.

For this, ...

Mains Bamboo shoots Rabbit Broth ...

The rabbit meat is cut into cubes. Peppers, pineapples and onions are also cut into suitable dice. Share carrots and bamboo shoots in both. Heat the oil in a pan and put all the vegetables there in. Let them spin until they are white. Mix all the ingredients o...

Mains Pepper Red currant juice Salt ...

The rabbit is browned and poured gently with the ready-made sauce. Stepped for quite weak heat and tight closing for approx. 11/2 hours. Reversed when half the cooking time has elapsed. Served with white and browned potatoes, as well as red cabbage and cranber...

Mains Wheat flour Parsley Rabbit ...

The rabbit is divided into suitable pieces. Sprinkle with parsley. The pieces of meat are brined quickly in margarine. The spices and water or soup are poured at. The meat roast softly under low approx. 45 minutes. Appointed on a hot dish.

The cloud is boil...

Mains Margarine Prunes Rabbit, 2 paragraph (a) 1.5 kg ...

The canine bodies fill with the peeled apples and scallops and tie together. Brown until golden, pour 1 1/2 l of water with the 4 broths and stir for 1 1/2 hour. Add the color and even the sauce....

Mains Pepper Red currant juice/jelly Salt ...

The rabbit is browned and poured with the finished sauce and fried too much lightly for about 1.5 - 2 hours. Picked up and organized. The sauce may optionally be sprayed to an appropriate thickness.

Served with brown and white potatoes....