Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Bread, buns & biscuits Butter or margarine Milk Cinnamon (or 1 tsp cardamom) ...

Egg and sugar are whipped airy The flour is mixed with baking soda and cinnamon. The flour mixture is stirred in the eggs and the milk is added. The pan is lubricated and heated.

Use a spoon to put the dough on the forehead (as with fry dishes) or use a sta...

Desserts (cold) Cream Whole milk Vanilla-pods ...

Boil milk, cream, sugar and vanilla up to do it with the flowers up to max 85 degrees.

Then cool it down quickly. Once it's got cold, drive it on an ice machine...

Lunch Vinegar Lots of salt Mustard ...

Remove the skull from the loose. Put a pot of water, put the shells in and bring the saucepan to a boil. Add eggs. Let them boil for 30 minutes.

At the same time prepare the salt layer: Take a jam with a tight lid and add water and plenty of salt. Put the e...

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes Potato salad dressing Cauliflower head ...

Boil the cauliflower head to the dark.

Admit to 4 people 1/4 to each, 50 g prawns put on cauliflower, decorate with lemon, cherry tomatoes, and potato salad dressing.

Served with hot flute and butter.

This is a very easy and delicious starter f...

Bread, buns & biscuits Oil Salt Squash ...

The yeast is stirred in lukewarm water. Add salt, oil, grated squash and oatmeal. Add wheat flour, but hold it back as it varies how much flour the dough can take. The dough is kneaded well until it is smooth and smooth. Raises on the kitchen table for approx....

Sides Lemon juice Salt Cucumber ...

You take the two tomatoes and cut them over to the middle and then scrape the contents (and store it in a bowl).

Then cut the cucumber into small tern and pour it into the tomato content that you have stored before and stir quietly around putter salt and le...

Salads A handful toasted pine kernel Parmesan cheese Turkey bacon ...

Open the papaya remove the kernels save a little, they taste of capers, cut fruit the meat in the tern. Shake the bacon in a little olive oil, cut the bacon in the tern. Remove the bottom of the asparagus until the woodwood is gone and only the crisp asparagus...

Desserts (cold) Sugar to caramel Vanilla pod like Polynesian Honey ...

Soaked house block. Slice the vanilla and put it in a pot of milk, honey and cream. Boil and scrape the grains into the warm milk mixture. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar, pour the warm milk mixture over with stirring. Pour back into the pan and warm to the ...