Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Breakfast & brunch Freshly ground pepper Chives Salt ...

Carefully beat the top of the eggs. Pour the contents into a bowl.

Dip the shells in boiling water to avoid salmonella.

The eggs are whipped together with salt, pepper and truffle oil. On a small pan or flat-bottomed pot melt a little butter, it must not...

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Salt Butter for 6 small souffle bowls ...

Grease the small refractory bowls. Distribute the prawns to the bottom. Beat an egg into each. Stir the cream with mustard. Come 1 tbsp. Of the mixture over each egg. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Bake the coconuts in a preheated oven at 175 degrees for 6-...

Lunch Pepper Salt Mustard ...

The eggs are boiled, pilled and halved or sliced.

Arrange the eggs on a serving dish.

Mustard Sauce:
In a small pot of water, the mustard seeds are boiled for two minutes. Let them drip into a fine-mesh sieve. Now they will be crispy like the eggs in ca...

Lunch Freshly ground pepper Salt Blurry eggs ...

Blurred eggs:
Mirror the egg to the egg white stiffens at the edge. Add ½ teaspoon. Water for each egg, cover the pan with a lid and let the eggs boil until they are blurred, ie The flowers covered by a white skin and the egg whites stiffen.

Bring the thin...

Cakes Salt Butter (softened) Egg yolk beaten with 1 tbsp. milk for glaze/brushing ...

Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.

Whip butter and sugar together until it is light and airy. Turn eggs, cognac and vanilla in and mix thoroughly. Turn flour, baking powder and salt into, mix thoroughly after each addition of the ingredient. Shape with round ...

Lunch Water Eggs ...

On a frying pan, the eggs of the egg white are stiffened at the edge. Add ½ teaspoon. Water for each egg, cover the pan with a lid and let the eggs boil until they are blurred, ie The flowers covered by a white skin and the egg whites stiffen....

Cakes Whites from 2 eggs Milk to cover the poppy seeds Shell of an orange (usprøjtet) ...

Dissolve the sugar In the water, mix the milk, add the yeast and stir until the yeast is dissolved. Leave rest for 10 minutes. Mix the flour, butter (cut into small pieces) and yeast mixture. Eat until the dough becomes a smooth ball or use a food proc...

Appetizers Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the spinach into a sieve or directly into a saucepan with 1 tablespoon. Butter over fairly strong heat so that excess moisture evaporates. Boil a stew of 1 tbsp. Melted butter, flour and cream. Season with unsweetened mustard, stir in chopped hard boi...