Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Clean another. Cut excess fat away. Preheat the grill. Clothes if possible. Frying pan with foil and place grill grille over.

Divide the middle through the chest and back piece to make 2 halves with each wing and thigh. Rub them with salt and pepper everywh...

Candy Wheat flour Glucose Oatmeal grove organic ...

Peel / stir all the ingredients together. Cool until it is stiffened. Scroll a piece to a thickness of a tokyo.

Cut pieces 2-3 cm thick. Put them on a plate of baking paper and push them out well. Remember large spaces as they flow out.

Bake approx. 10-1...

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Dissolve yeast in the lukewarm milk. Grind the squash with peel roughly. Add the squash and the other ingredients and knead the dough well. Raises covered and stuck 20 min.

Beat the dough and shape it into 2 spheres. Raises covered and stuck for 10 min. Rol...

Cookies Eggs Wheat flour Desiccated coconut ...

Gently stir it together until it can be compressed into a solid lump. Put it for cooling - at least a couple of hours.

Cut a piece of it and roll it out or squeeze it through a casserole (starch) into long pieces of baking paper. Cut them pieces of approx. ...

Cookies Egg (or 1 tbsp. maizenamel) Vanilla sugar Sugar ...

Stir it all together Put them in tops on baking paper Bake them at 180 gr. For 15-20 minutes. Melt the chocolate and dip the chilled peppers in it....

Mains Barbecue sauce And White wine ...

The other is cleaned. A marinade of white wine, juice of 1 orange and ½ dl barbecue sauce is made. The second is lubricated into the marinade, after which it draws for ½ hour.

The oranges are peeled and poured into another together with 1 dl white wine. Put...

Sides Eggs Turmeric ...

Put water in a saucepan. Add 1 large tablespoon turmeric. When the water boils, the eggs are put in. After 5 min. Take the eggs up.

Squeeze them a bit with a spoon so the skull breaks. Let them boil 5 min. More and cool them.

When they get pills, they ha...

Cookies Baking soda Dark chocolate 44% Eggs ...

Set the oven to 175 degrees C. alm. oven.

Stir soft butter, sugar and sugar until it is airy. Whip the eggs in one at a time.

Mix flour, baking soda and coarsely chopped dark (and possibly white) chocolate together. Turn the dry ingredients into the doug...