Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Wheat flour for Breading by cod Fresh pasta Chopped tomatoes ...

Cut the loop into the rings. Chop the whipped cream well. Divide the cod fillet into even serving pieces. Turn the cod pieces into the flour. The cod is now browned on both sides a pan with onions and garlic in the olive oil. The chopped tomatoes are poured ov...

Cakes in form Whole milk Margarine Sugar ...

The eggs are whipped well with sugar. Flour and baking powder are mixed and stirred. Margarine and milk are heated (lukewarm) and mixed in.

The dough is poured into a frying pan approx. 23x33 cm.
Bake at 175 degrees C. alm. Oven for 25-30 minutes.

Top: ...

Cakes in form 1 dl. raisins Salt A-38 0.1% ...

All ingredients mix well together - possibly. With stirrer or hand muffs - use the dough hook. Pour into a small pan or spring shaped lined with baking paper.

Bake for one hour to 5 blocks at 175 degrees C....

Mains Barbecue spice Oil Pepper ...

Sprinkle the chicken inside and out with salt and pepper.

Cut lime and garlic into slices. Rinse parsley and thyme. Put it all in the chicken. Stir griddle and oil together and brush the chicken. Stir the chicken in the oven at 175 gr. For approx. 1½ to 2 h...

Desserts (cold) Chocolate ice cream Liquid caramel Ochrea ...

Chop the chocolate into small pieces. Mix ice cream for softice, mix chocolate and ice cream together.

Carefully put a little liquid caramel into the bottom of the chopper-house, alternately add ice cream and caramel to the casserole, and finish with carame...

Mains Pepper Salt Cardamom ...

Other parties in 2 thighs, 2 upperlegs and 4-6 pieces breastless legs. In a large roast pan turn coriander, stewed ginger and onion in 25 g butter. Cardamom, cloves, saffron and little salt are reversed for a few minutes. Then the spirit pieces are reversed, b...

Mains Free range duck cooked in 2 hours Corn flour Pepper fruit ...

Splashed grained grapes and sliced ​​peppers are browned on the forehead and taken up with a casing. The pan is boiled with broth. White wine is stirred with Maizena and the sauce is evenly tolerated. A little suit. Divide or cut the meat (the skin is also cut...

Mains Tarragon Minced parsley Pepper ...

Pasta, wings and 1 onion boil to a fund (about 2 dl). The meat is cut by another (let the skin sit on) in fine pieces and brune in a pan with a chopped onion, garlic, estragon, chopped parsley, white wine, salt and pepper and spin for an hour.

The meat is p...