Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Eggs Wheat flour Fluid ...

Stir all the ingredients together if necessary. With an electric stirrer.

Let the FABULOUS FATHER rest in the refrigerator 30 min. Before boiling.

Form the balls with a tablespoon dipped in hot water between each freezer.

Cook them approx. 8-10 min. U...

Various (a) 38 to make steady with Salt Garlic, pressed ...

Stir smoke cheese, Philadelphia and A38 together. Dilute with white balsamic vinegar to lind mass. Add the crushed garlic and chopped horseradish. Season with salt.

Can be used as an accessory, for example, to the beef sprout breast main course or butter cr...

Sides Finely chopped cucumber Finely chopped onion Vegetables you must use ...

Cut onion in tiny tern. Stir the cucumber slowly and remove the kernels with a spoon and then cut the cucumber into fine terns. Mix the cucumber with the onion.

Boil all the ingredients for the edible cake. Pour the layers over the vegetables and let them c...

Mains Pepper Salt Leg of lamb ...

Ripe greasy in the tern on the lamb cologne.
Mix oil and spices in a bowl.
Brush the lamb casserole all over the mix.
Lay the lamb on a grid with a flame dish underneath.
Cut the oranges into slices.
Put one orange in the refill dish with a little water. ...

Mains Juniper (mortet) Cream Pepper ...

Peel carrot and onion and cut into suitable tern.
Afpus possibly. Liver, chop in tern and pan in wheat flour. Step liver- if necessary. By 2 times.
Bring tomato puree into the pan with liver about 2 min
Add the onion and carrot toast - fry approx. 2 min

Cakes in form Salt Rod vanilla Floating flower honey ...

Rinse the red lentils. Bring the lentils in a pan and cover with water. Add salt. Boil the lentils to the porridge.
Peel and cut red beans. Bring red meat in a pan and cover with water. Add the flower honey and vanilla. Cook the red bed tender. Blend the beet...

Cakes Cocoa grated chocolate and fresh berries Cinnamon Crushed digestive biscuits- ...

Put the Digestive biscuits in a freezer bag
Crush the biscuits by rolling a cake roll over them x many
Melt the butter and mix it in the bag with the broken biscuits
Mix the mixture well together to make it even
Squeeze the mixture into a smooth layer in a...

Candy Condensed milk (397 g) Brown sugar Butter ...

Butter the dough and butter in a pan until the dough is completely dissolved.
Pour the milk and cook at low temperature for about ten minutes until it starts to thicken.
Put the finished mass in the fridge for 30 minutes to get an easier temperature to work ...