Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Brown sugar Small sprig fresh rosemary Beef spidsbryst ...

Mix brown dough and salt together.
Check your piece of nose brush for big fat bumps and big tendons and remove it.
Bring butter on a very hot forehead and brown the meat for half a minute on each side. Take it off
Gnump the brown farin / salt mixture thorou...

Mains Salt Paprika Baking soda ...

Mix marinade in a bowl. Then take a new bowl and mix flour, baking soda and salt. Add the marinade and the melted butter. The chicken pieces are dipped in the mixture and placed in a dish. After 30 min in the oven pour the rest of the mixture over the chicken....

Bread, buns & biscuits Raisins and hazelnut kernels Salt Ground cloves ...

1.Turn the oven at 175 degrees.
2.Place the eggs in a large bowl and pour the sugar into.
3.Pin egg and sugar thick and foaming with an electric whip.
4.Pic RapsOlien i.
5.Blend flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, carnal and (just pour all the flour in at ...

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Almonds ...

Oatmeal is milled roughly, almonds are milled roughly. The butter is stewed and everything is stirred together and put into small blemishes, the shape is not so important on baking paper. The cakes flow out.
Bake at 200 gr. 8 min until they are light brown. N...

Appetizers Oil for frying Salt Fresh spinach ...

Turn on the waffle iron and let it warm up while making the dough.
Bring all the ingredients into a blender and blend them well together.
Bring some oil on the waffle iron and make the waffles.

TIP: Can be served with, for example, Smoked salmon, natural ...

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon, sliced ...

Mix dad, feta, sun-dried tomato, as well as salt and pepper in a bowl. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees C. and warm air. Form the dad like a loaf of bread and put it in an ovenproof dish. So swallow the dough into bacon (rather too much than too little). Then p...

Cakes Grated zest from one lemon Salt White chocolate (chopped) ...

Sift wheat flour, baking soda, flour and salt into a bowl. Crumbles the butter in the flour, so it looks like the fried cheese. Mix milk and lemon
Gather the dough with the milk mixture. And add the chopped chocolate
The dough should be soft and sticky.


Mains Fresh parsley Semi-skimmed milk Salt ...

The chickens are sprinkled inside with a few teaspoons. Salt in each. And like with a handful of well-washed parsley in each (it gives a good taste).
Brush them with melted butter and sprinkle salt on the outside.
Put in ovenproof dish or frying pan with you...