Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Bread, buns & biscuits Honey Wheat flour Oil ...

Pour the flour into a large bowl.
Pour the water into a measuring cup and stir in oil, salt, honey and yeast in the water until dissolved.
Pour the liquid into the flour and mix it to a dough.
Put the dough in the fridge with a lid / dish over the course of...

Cakes in form Cream Baking soda Tom's giant tortoises ...

KAGE: Stir sugar and butter to an airy mass.
Add the eggs and stir.
Sift wheat flour and baking soda into the dough and stir well.
Chop the turtles into smaller pieces and gently turn them around the dough.
Cover an elongated mold with a piece of baking pa...

Mains Ketchup Oregano Salt ...

Roll out the pizza dough.
Butter the ketchup on the dough and sprinkle oregano over.
Salt and steak seitan on a pan.
Step the black beans on a pan.
Distribute seitan, beans and corn on the pizza.
Behind 20 minutes at 200 degrees (ordinary oven)....

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Remove the stone and shell from the avocado and cut it into the tern. Lay the terns in a plate and pour them over lemon. Season with salt and pepper.
Cut the dill into small pieces and cut the cucumber in small tern. Pour the water from the maize.

Mix it a...

Desserts (warm) Lard for baking Salt Sugar ...

Lun milk and dissolve yeast there.
Divide the eggs and remove the white from a bowl.
Add flour, egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt to the milk. It is well mixed together. The egg whites are whipped stiff and turned in.
All of it is put to swell over w...

Various Grated lemon rind Cardamom Bicarbonate of soda ...

The cream is whipped to whipped cream
No-eggs are stirred with water, the beer is added and whipped together, the rest except the whipped cream and butter, added and whipped together.
Turn the whipped cream in, cooled melted butter is turned in just before b...

Various Oregano Grated cheese Saracha sauce to fit ...

Milk and eggs are whipped together.
Mel is sifted in the dough, salt is added and the dough is whipped again until there are no lumps.
Saracha sauce is added to the taste fits.

The pancakes are made in a small pan (Wok pot can be used)

While the pancak...

Sides Muffins molds Peper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into very thin slices of mandolin or alternatively a potato peel.
Melt the butter and add finely chopped rosemary and simmer for a few min.
Pour potatoes and melted butter into a bag and knead together, store a little butter to...