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Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains 2porrer ca. 1/3 rod (as much as one desires)-just remember there must be room for eggs and cheese ...! Pepper Pepperoni (as much as one desires)-approx. ½ package toppings pepperoni ...

Chop butter, flour and sesame seeds together ... mix the dough quickly with water or cream. (Let's finally be "kneading" the dough too hard as it's going to be cool and not as tender). Let the dough rest on the refrigerator for approx. ½ hour .. (the dough ca

Cakes in form Boiling water Eggs Dr. oekter chopped apelsinsskal ...

Melt butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan and let it cool off. Stir eggs, buttermilk, wheat flour, honeycomb spices and chopped orange peel into the mixture and put the dough in a small spring form. Bag the cake approx. 1 hour at 150 degrees and allow to cool

Cookies Desiccated coconut Eggs Vanilla pod ...

Mix the two kinds of flour. Smuldr marg. here. Add sugar. Fold the vanilla and scrape the grains. Rinse, chop and chop almonds very nicely and mix them. Add coconut flour. Add the egg and knead the dough quickly. Put the dough cold for at least 2 hours (if yo

Cookies Wheat flour Baking powder Margarine ...

It's all pelted together, rolled in well 1 cm. thickness. Lubricate with "nisekanel" Bake at 175 degrees for 18 min. Cut out when finished. Butter with egg and sprinkle with "nisekanel" Sugar mixed with cinnamon

Cakes Grated appeal sign must (may be omitted) Boiling water Eggs ...

Melt butter, sugar and honey in a pan and let it cool a little. Stir eggs, buttermilk, wheat flour, honeycomb spices, and orange peel in the mixture. Put the dough in a small greased pan or a spring form. Bake about 1 hour at 150 degrees and let it wrap off b

Lunch Pepper Between large grated onion Wheat flour ...

Stir the dough cool with salt and pepper. Add grated onion, flour and egg and stir well. Heat frying pan with rapeseed oil or other fat. Cut the fry pan with a spoon dipped in water and pour them golden in the hot fat. tips: It's true there should be no

Desserts (warm) Baking soda Wheat flour Butter ...

Stir 150 grams butter well with 200 grams of sugar. (About 2½ dl) and 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar. Stir 3 eggs at a time. Mix 150 grams flour (2½ dl) with 1 teaspoon baking soda and gently stir the dough into a greased spring form or a baking paper, about 21 cm

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Olive oil Sugar ...

Mix 2.5 dl. Of corn flour, salt and 2 dl. Boil water and stir it to a smooth consistency. Stir 1 tbsp. Oil in and let it cool until it is bare. The yeast is expelled with 0.5 dl. lukewarm water. Bring it and sugar into the corn mixture in addition to the re