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Recipes with Vaniliesukker

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Bagemargarine ...

sugar, flour, baking powder, egg vaniliesukker. mix together. bagemargarinen should be soft before it is blended together. eventually reversed in and they met at korne gold a plate with an eating happen depending on how large you want them. Bake in preheated

Cakes in form Pineapple in slices Fintreven lemon peel Cooking cream ...

Is turned on for the oven at 175 degrees c. the chocolate is put in water bath, and mixed with cream and lemon rind. At the same time, beat eggs, sugar and vaniliesukker together. Then stir flour, baking soda, butter and mashed bananas in. When the choco

Desserts (cold) Almonds Salt Whole milk ...

The rice porridge: Boil the evt. the day before. mix the grits, salt and milk in a pan, and boil it up, let it cook for a few minutes, wrap it in newspaper, blanket and duvet, and let it stand for two hours, so it has created itself finished. Cool it off.

Desserts (cold) Buttermilk Sugar Junket ...

Mix yogurt and buttermilk. Add sugar and vaniliesukker. Let stand in a cool place, which is not the refrigerator, in about 30 mins!

Drinks (cold) Cacao powder to taste Vaniliesukker Raspberry ...

Blend milk and fruit (or cacao) Then add the ice and blend to the vaniliesukker and have the desired consistency.

Desserts (cold) Soy cream (to the milk-free) Salt Rice pudding (omit salt) ...

The rice porridge: Rice sprinkled in the boiling water and cook for 2 min. Soy drink is added and brought to the boil while stirring. The porridge cooked, covered, on low heat and stir regularly. Cooking time approx. 35 min. Ris á lamande the cooled rice puddi

Cakes in form Chocolate (melted in a water bath) or glaze Buttermilk Icing ...

1. The fat is softened and stirred well with sugar. 2. Add the eggs-one at a time. 3. Bananas moses and place in. 4. The broken nut cores and oatmeal granted. 5. Butter milk is poured in. 6. Flour, bicarbonate of soda and vaniliesukker sifted together and

Cakes Vaniliesukker Butter Eggs ...

1) melt the butter 2) whisk eggs and sugar foamy (like with electric mixer) 3) Mix flour, cocoa and vaniliesukker, the term mixture into egg mixture 4) Turn the melted fat in the dough 5) Pour batter into cake form ca. 27 cm in diameter 6) bake in 15-20 m