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Recipes with Vaniliesukker

Cakes in form Boiling water Milk Vaniliesukker ...

Margarine stir soft along with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time. Cocoa is stirred in. vaniliesukker mix together flour, baking powder and stir, put in along with water and milk. Bake in a small baking pan at 175 degrees c. alm. oven for about 45 minutes (Chec

Cakes in form Water Cocoa powder Margarine ...

Sugar and egg stir fluffy, and the other ingredients to the cake stirred in.-Margarine/oil finally. The cake is poured into a large (ovnstørrelse) baking pan and bake 200 degrees 20 min v. When the cake is baked prepare glaze: All stirred together in a pan

Cakes Vaniliesukker Sugar Cocoa ...

1. take butter out and let it become soft. 2. mix together the butter, sugar and oatmeal together. So it is 100% mixed together. There must be no lumps of butter. 3. after mix everything else together. So it will be a lot. 4. put it in the fridge aft

Drinks (cold) (a) 38 with oatmeal Frozen berries (any) Sugar ...

This way to fix smothie on is pretty simple; you just put it all down in a blender and the blender it was thin enough. I have not written some quantities, because it is easiest, and results will be also better this way. Experiment, it's pretty easy. Tips:

Cakes Sugar Desiccated coconut Vaniliesukker ...

1. stir butter soft. 2. Add the rest of the ingredients, and stir it all well together. 3. Set the mass in the fridge for about 30 mins. 4. Roll small balls. Roll them in coconut flakes and style them in the refrigerator until hard. The balls can now be eat

Cakes in form Sour cream Desiccated coconut Vaniliesukker ...

Butter and sugar is stirred together. Chocolate chopped apples, peeled and cut into small boats and stir in along with the rest of the ingredients. The batter is poured into a greased springform ca. 22 cm in diameter. Before the cake is put in the oven, spr

Desserts (warm) Sugar Eggs Vaniliesukker ...

1. Crumble the yeast into a bowl. 2. Melt the fat. Add the milk and let it be writer's hot! Pour the liquid over the yeast and stir until it is dissolved. 3. Add the sikkeret and as much wheat flour to dough release the bowl. 4. Let dough raise under a clot

Cookies Fine salt Bicarbonate of soda Eggs ...

Turn on the oven. Stir in butter and sugar well. Stir in brown sugar and eggs in. Mix the wheat flour along with the vanilla sugar, bicarbonate of soda and salt and toss it in the butter mixture. Add the chocolate and nut kernels. Set of 2 teaspoons dough i