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Recipes with Vaniliesukker

Desserts (patisserie) Cocoa Desiccated coconut Powder coffee ...

Mix all the ingredients well together. Form small balls and roll them in coconut flakes while they are still a little soft. Store the balls cool. Tips: The best bullets in the world,

Cakes in form Baking soda Salt Bicarbonate of soda ...

First, mix the eggs and sugar. then mix oil and squash in. in another bowl Mix flour, baking powder, salt, soda, vaniliesukker, cinnamon and walnuts/sunflower seeds. then mix it all together and place in a form (maybe 2) and bake at 200 degrees for about

Cakes in form Boiling water Warm milk Cocoa ...

Eggs and sugar, beat well together, then met the rest of ingr. in the. The baked on the Middle Groove in ca. 35 min on 180grader -the glaze is heated in a pan MUST NOT boil, and it must only be liquid when it met on the cake. The best result is achieved

Breakfast & brunch Salt Sugar Cinnamon ...

got all the "dry" ingredients in a bowl, then eggs and oil came in, (without touching the round) came to the last milk in. (very important! for so there will be no klumber;)) behind them like any other pancakes in a frying pan with a little butter or becel.

Lunch (to go) Vaniliesukker Wheat flour Bananas ...

Mash the bananas and pour them in a shoulder harness pour flour into milk and stir and came vaniliesukker and usually sugar dough for buns and i. splat it out and fry them in a frying pan. Tips: tastes good with a glass of milk and a little chocolate sprin

Cakes in form Sugar Orange Baking soda ...

Melt the butter. While river you carrots fine. Mix milk and egg whisk easy. Add the raisins, oatmeal, carrots. Whip. Add baking soda, vaniliesukker, and the juice from appelsinen. Finally, add the melted butter and make the dough smooth with flour so that it h

Cakes in form Cinnamon Bicarbonate of soda Eggs ...

Mash the bananas, add eggs, sugar, sugar and milk vanile. Mix the flour, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and cinnamon in. Mix everything fast together. It came in a small baking dish (about 1 l) Bake at 175 degrees in 50 min.

Various Baking soda Vaniliesukker Sugar ...

Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Add the milk and melted cooled butter. Stir well and add the eggs. Whip it all together with a hand mixer or an electric whips. Let the dough rest cool for about 30 minutes before baking. Dough should be thick li