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Recipes with Turkey Breast

Mains Cabbage and broccoli Paprika Pepper ...

The meat is divided into suitable pieces. FRY in oil and thyme in 2-4 minutes, on each side, by means of strong heat Then screw down on the even heat and add carrots, broccoli and cabbage, chopped. The green pepper cut into rings and mix with the tomatoe

Mains Cotton yarn Dressing of cheasy a38 Freshly ground pepper ...

Stir the sun-dried tomatoes and oregano along with the cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Put the Turkey Breast in the "smooth" side and cut a pocket in the thick part of the meat. Fill your pocket with cheese mixture. Volume cotton yarn on the Turkey Bre

Mains Salt Santa maria "texas hot" Pikantost with herbs ...

Thaw the spinach in a colander, and favor it at the bottom of a baking dish. Leeks cut into rings, and added on top of the spinach. Turkey Breast Brown on both sides, and seasoned with salt & pepper. Cut some deep cracks across the chest, with ca. 5 cm.

Appetizers Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Plug some small pockets in the Turkey Breast and lard it with small pieces of garlic. Rub the meat with salt and pepper and Brown it in a pan of oil. Reduce the heat and pour the water in. Add the thyme and let the Turkey småsnurre 25.30 min., depending on the

Mains Basil, fresh Watercress, fresh Pepper ...

Fill: put broccolien into the boiling water and boil them in 5-6 minutes and drain, mash it. Chop the mushrooms, then fine. Mix broccoli, mushroom and it diced meat and stir it with eggs and flour. Add salt, pepper and pressed garlic. Fill in the boned

Mains Cotton yarn EVS. light sauce thickens Freshly ground pepper ...

Pick the parsley in small twigs, rinse and dry them well. Put the Turkey Breast in the "smooth" side and cut a pocket in the thick part of the meat. Fill your pocket with parsley sprigs and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Volume cotton yarn about Turkey Breast

Mains Fat Pepper Salt ...

The meat is placed in a bowl and marinade mix and pour over meat. Be cold and covered in 24 hours. Turn the meat after half the time. Take the meat up, dry and Brown it on all sides in a frying pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper on, put in baking dish and add th

Mains Pepper Salt Puff pastry ...

Turkey Breast Brown on all sides. 4 sheets puff pastry rolled out for a large piece. In Turkey Breast cut deep cracks, and herein lubricated piquant cheese, after which the meat be wrapped in puff pastry. The last piece of puff pastry used to decorate with,