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Recipes with Suit

Soups Suit Paprika Butter ...

Ox tails are shared by the joints, rinse and wipe. Brown the butter in a pan and sauté the tail pieces together with the cleaned and shared vegetables. Add the water, brought to the boil and skimmed carefully. He then met salt, paprika and tomato past

Mains EVS. 2 tbsp. Cognac Wheat flour + water for jævning of sauce Suit ...

Take a thick-bottomed saucepan, warm and Brown the bacon and veal slices. Then Brown the onion, mushrooms and carrots. It all poured together again. Save a little bacon for garnish. Add the broth, cream, salt, pepper to taste and colour. Let it simmer for abou

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onions and sauté them in the pan. At the same time formed the beef to some balls and press them down to desired thickness. After the onions are finished cooking the steaks at the same pan. When they are done take the of also and a dollop of mu

Sauces Suit Pepper Salt ...

SI juices up in a pan, allow to stand for a moment and foam so that the surface is free of fat. Sky can be supplemented with broth, stock or wine. Water and flour shaken klumpefri in a melryster. Cornstarch is mixed in water. Boil the cloud and add smooth no i

Mains Blueberry Suit Peppercorn ...

First remove two small tenderloin harens (these FRY during cooking in a very hot pan, in a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt, can be enjoyed at the kitchen table with a good glass of red wine). For-and bagløb cut off and back into the appropriate pieces.

Mains Suit Pepper Port wine ...

The apricots soaked in port wine in a day. Fasanerne (cleaned) filled with apricots, sewn together and Brown and put in roaster. FRY in oven at 160 degrees C for about 3/4-1 hour. Bed sheet, cream, Foundation, broth, red currant jelly, water colour, salt

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

Slice the pork into thin strips. Let the butter is golden in a thick-bottomed pan. Share the meat into 2 portions and Brown each portion separately. Put all the meat back into the pan. Crush the juniper berries and Rosemary and add it to meat. Came whipping

Mains Suit Lemon Cream ...

The flesh be able and rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and Curry, Fried as venison in pan: warm the fat in the pan. Put the meat in and Brown it. Pour 1/4 l of boiling water or soup by. Fry the meat slowly for half an hour with lid. Whisk or shake the flo