Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Suit

Soups Suit Paprika Soup may ...

Chop onions and FRY in margarine. Add the flour and soup have to thin water down this season with spices, stained, if desired. with colour and serve with fish balls or crunchy roasted bacon cubes, sprinkled in the soup just before serving. If fish soup is not

Mains Suit Meljævning Pepper ...

The comb scratched. The emphasis is in a deep Bowl and pour over with red wine. All the spices are added. The meat marinerer so for 24 hours and be turned on and off in the marinade. The roast are dried, rubbed with salt, put in baking pan and brush with oi

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Carrot and Leek cleaned and chop. Halve the onions and mix with the rest of the ingredients, and is given a quick rehash. Pour marinade over meat, covered for and put in the fridge for about 24 hours. Invert a few times during marinating. The mallet is take

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Fallow deer mallet rubbed with the cut garlic, after which the garlic is squeezed. The mallet rubbed with Provence spice and placed in roasting pan. Brown in hot oven at 225 ° c for 15 minutes. The broth is poured in, and the mallet FRY at 180 ° c for approxim

Mains A little rodselleri Suit Pepper ...

This casserole will be better of to be prepared the day before it is to be eaten, so the flavor penetrates properly through. Brown the meat well tag it up. Do the same with vegetables and mushrooms. Put meat and vegetables back into the pan. Add the crus

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Hot fedstoffet, put the birds in and brown them on all sides. Pour the broth or water and fry them over a low heat 11/4-1 1/2 hour. SI and targets cloud and soup. Whisk the flour with flødes and whisk smooth no in the boiling sky. Let the gravy boil slowly for

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Bleep the birds and makes them. Slice the breast meat from the legs and crack it. Cook soup on the hulls and use some of the broth for gravy. Volume thin Bacon slices on pieces and brown them like in half of the fat. Take the pieces of meat up and pour the bro

Lunch Suit Pepper Salt ...

Pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes, Cook less tender and afdrypper. Brown the chopped onion in the butter and flour sprinkled on. Moisture and spices added. The gravy is stained Brown and pumpkin cubes in. Served with roasted potatoes and eggs, smiling