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Recipes with Suit

Mains Suit Salt Butter ...

The meat is cut into smaller pieces and Brown in fat when it is well browned take it up. Now Brown cabbage, which is cut into thin slices, along with about 3 tablespoons of sugar, salt and suit. When the cabbage is Brown and oily, battle it out in, and t

Mains Suit Margarine for frying Pepper ...

Onion peeled, chopped and sauté in a pan. Add the meat and Brown well. When the meat is well browned, pour water over to the meat is covered. Let it simmer for the meat is almost tender. (approximately 1 ½ hour) When the meat has cooked, add crème frâich

Mains Approximately 250 grams per person Cayenne pepper EVS. strong paprika ...

Pour the fat in a frying pan and let the shower. Sprinkle veal cuvetten with thyme, salt and pepper, as well as possibly. a little strong paprika. Brown veal cuvetten well of on all sides in a frying pan. Average rødløget and chili from coarse (arrow kernel

Mains Bread Green beans Jævning ...

FRY bacon in a large iron pot, saute the mushrooms in greasy Bacon up tag and tag up. 'S Tenderloin of fat and membranes, spiced with salt (not too much, bacon fat is salt in advance) and pepper. Brown Tenderloin in bacon fat by strong heat, turn down th

Mains Suit Salt Gravy ...

Heat oven up to 230 degrees c. alm. oven. Cut the meat into slices without cutting completely through. Put 1/2 slice of bacon in each section. Put the meat in a small baking pan and sprinkle salt on. Set the roast in the oven and Brown it in about 15 minute

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Pork loin Brown in butter and seasoned with Sage, Rosemary, marjoram, crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper. FRY in oven at about 180 degrees c. alm. oven for about 1 1/2 hour. The last hour add 5 cups water 1/2 by the roast. Rests for about 15 min. befo

Mains Suit The juice from an orange and must Salt ...

Rub the meat with curry and Brown it well in a frying pan in butter or margarine. Wash and halve the appelsinen. Squeeze the juice out and came together with shell in pan and pour the broth by. Sprinkle salt on with caution-depending on how salt broth is. Put

Mains (ca. 250 grams per person) oven-fried potato wedges Cayenne pepper A good red wine (year optional) ...

Pour the fat in a frying pan and let the shower. Sprinkle veal cuvetten with thyme, salt and pepper, as well as possibly. a little strong paprika. Brown veal cuvetten well of on all sides in a frying pan. Average rødløget and chili from coarse (arrow kernels o