Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Pumpkin cores Oatmeal ...

All interventions are mixed together. The dough is divided into two. One piece comes on a piece of baking paper and put a piece of baking paper upstairs. The dough is spread over the entire baking sheet and the top baking paper is removed and then the same pr

Soups Garlic pepper Salt Bacon cubes ...

Boil the broccoli in bouquets until it is completely soft. Then chop the broccoli, if you want a less coarse soup you can blend the broccoli instead. Then you return the broccoli in the same water as it is cooked because it has gotten a part of the flavor. Now

Mains A few sprigs of thyme Pepper Salt ...

Divide the chicken into pieces of pieces. Melt the butter golden and shake the bacon pieces light brown. Then brown the chicken pieces. Take them out of the pan and season the onions. Bring the meat back into the pan and add carrots and potatoes. Pour the wine

Appetizers Oil Pepper Salt ...

Preparation: The maiden lobster is raw. Rice on wok or pan in oil with salt, pepper, saffron and crushed garlic for approx. 3 minutes The lobsters are taken of wok or pan with a cavity so that the wax remains in the wok / pan. Add the pan cream, white

Appetizers Basil aftertaste-fresh or dried Pepper Salt ...

Bring the water to the boil and add the bullion cake. Wait for this to dissolve. Cut the tomatoes in quarters and put them all in the boiling water. Add laurel leaves, garlic, salt and pepper and basil. Remove the kernels from chili and add it to the

Mains About 15 krossade och torkade enbär Svartpeppar, krossad Salt ...

Tillagning Place the deep-frozen meat (otinat) in an oven-proof form, alternatively frying pan. Insert the meat into the lower part of the oven to have a temperature of 75-100 degrees. Stick in a meat meter when the meat tinat - after about 2.5 hours. The mea

Soups Dill or watercress for garnish Lobster Fund at will (touch of taste) Pepper ...

Dip the lobster up and tear it down by tapping the neck and cutting down. Remove the meat from the lobster body, crush the claws and remove the meat. Pour the soup into a pan with vermouth and slowly bring it to a boil. Pour cream into and taste with fond, pe

Mains Semi-skimmed milk Pepper Eggs ...

Stir the dough first with salt and flour cool. After 1 egg and stir well, add the finely chopped onions and stir well again. Add milk so that the dough gets firm. Dip a spoonful of water and form the freezer before putting it on the forehead with lightly br