Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Vinegar Yeast ...

The ingredients are added to the baking mold in the order described. The tare is finally added and placed in a small groove in the flour. Bake on program 3 on Melissa baking machine

Mains Flute Potatoes Pepper ...

The wiped breasts are shaken on a pan 1 12-14 min (the skin must be crisp) with the skin down Turn the meat side down for 6-7 minutes (adjust the time when the breasts must be fried. Tick them to see if there is blood) The breasts are taken up and put in pre

Mains Vinegar Lauerbærblad (maybe a little more) Small branch timinan ...

The salmon is cleaned and rinsed, cut into slices along or as a crockery crosswise. I.e. Remove the spinal cord by moving a sharp knife from the backside along the spinal cord all the way through the fish. This is done on both sides of the leg. There will be m

Various Almonds Sesame seeds Chili flakes ...

Shake the spices on the forehead separately, and grate nuts, almonds and sesame seeds in the oven at 130 C. In each dish until the smells are fried and delicious. Paint into a coarse powder in processor, blender, spice protection. tips: Dukkah is a mixtur

Lamb Pepper Salt Cherry tomatoes ...

Bring the scrambled rinsed potatoes into an ovenproof dish and sprinkle salt and pepper. Sprinkle with oil and put the dish in the oven at 225 degrees C for 30 minutes. Place the tomatoes in the dish in the last quarter of the oven time. Season the chops with

Lamb Oil Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the lamb pieces with salt and pepper and brown them in oil on all sides. Let them cool. Put them on each piece of butter dough, just rolling a little larger first so that it can enclose the lamb meat. Put half of each spoon of rosemary on the meat

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Yeast Sugar ...

The ingredients are added to the baking mold in the order described. The tare is finally added and placed in a small groove in the flour. Bake on program 1 on Melissa baking machine

Lunch Madras curry powder (or other Yellow Curry) Oil (olive works well) Pepper ...

Cut the chicken into small pieces, as small as possible. Pour oil and curry on a pan and warm forehead. When the curry is lightly burned, the chicken is thrown on the forehead and swallowed, then screwed down for the heat. Oil, curry, salt and pepper on anothe