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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Carrots (peeled and) are torn on the roughest side of the grater. Mushrooms are cleaned and chopped very roughly. Onions and garlic peeled and chopped roughly (desired small meatballs, the chopped chopped finer). Walnut kernels are chopped roughly. Meat, ve

Salads Salt Black pepper Mayonnaise ...

Boil all the vegetables tenderly. Cut the potatoes for approx. 1 * 1cm. And broke the golden seeds and cut it into smaller pieces. The same is done with the pickled cucumbers and the radish. (They should not be cooked.) Mix mayonnaise, squeezed lemon, squee

Various White pepper to taste White wine vinegar Salt ...

Whip egg yolks airy (a few minutes). Add oil, stirring, first dropwise and later in a thin jet. Add vinegar, salt and pepper and whip again. Voila. tips: Egg yolks should be at room temperature as they are easier to whip airy. I use an empty, cleaned, j

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Cinnamon Salt ...

Mix water with cocoa, cinnamon, salt and yeast. Mix with flour and sugar and baking soda. Add flour gradually (with hand whipping) Behind 200 degrees for 14 min. tips: They are very good! :)

Sides Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Boil water and soften core mix for a few minutes. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water Add Rugmel and kernel mixture as well as salt, pepper and peppers. Stir the mixture together and add wheat flour until the dough gets firmer. There is only so much flour th

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Enables the vegetables. Cut carrots, pears, parsley and celery in not too thin slices. Cut the onions in quarters. Bring vegetables and crushed garlic into a greased oven dish. Rub the calf breast with salt and pepper and put it with the backside up. Bring som

Mains Eggs Pepper Salt ...

Begin with the dough: Findel the fat in the flour and mix salt and water. Collect the dough and leave it cold for a minimum of half an hour. Rub the poulard with salt and pepper. Shake the chopped chopped onion and the sliced ​​mushrooms in a little of the

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice according to the instructions on the package. Distribute them to the slabs rolled over them. Put the stuffed hammer rolls side by side in a greased ovenproof dish. Give the broccoli a boil in leachate water. Pour the water, let it drizzle and spr