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Recipes with Salt

Mains Chili after taste Coriander Oregano ...

The fathers are stirred with the ingredients and the blanched vegetables. Form as a meatloaf and put in an ovenproof dish (greased with a little oil). The fried bread is covered with the ketchup-chili-garlic mixture and the bacon is laid upstairs. Bake in the

Cakes Salt Eggs Cinnamon ...

Milk lunes, yeast crumbles in. Stir out. Add molten margerine. Flour, salt, sugar and egg are added. The whole thing is well through. Like a stirrer. Raise cover for about 20 min The filling is stirred together The dough is rolled out to a slightly el

Mains Ketchup to taste Paprika Pepper ...

Cut the sausages into small pieces and brown them on the forehead of the butter. Add broth, cream, ketchup and peppers. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with loose rice or mashed potatoes.

Sides Pepper Salt Cheese sauce ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Rinse them and dry them well in a dish. Chop the onions roughly. Put the potatoes in layers with onion, salt and pepper in a greased refractory dish. Pour the cheese sauce over and baked the potatoes in th

Mains Bechamel sauce (from the dolmio or other recipe) A bit of tomato puree Spices ...

Meat Oven: Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Chop the onions and tear the carrots. Bring the oil in a saucepan. Add the chopped onion, and then all the meat at once. Leave the meat with a stirrer and stir until it has enough color. Add the chopped tomatoes

Mains Jævning Pepper Ribsgéle ...

The phases are made available. The fries are stirred with rasp, egg, cream, salt and pepper. It is filled in the pheasants. The pheasants are wrapped with bacon and brune in a saucepan. The wild cloud and half of the flow are added. The phasans are roasted

Sauces Jævning Paprika Salt ...

Cut the cleaned mushrooms in the tern. Step them until most of the liquid has penetrated. Add cream and some peppers. Heat the sauce until it boils and add. Smoothing gradually after the sauce has a suitable consistency. Season with salt.

Mains Turmeric Oil for dybstegning Salt ...

DEJ: Youghourt poured into a bowl. Eggs added. Salt is added. Flour is added. (The dough must be lightly glued) KARRY: The peel is peeled and blended. Karry added. Graham Masala is added. Garlic added. Turmeric added. Blended until it produces a Pa