Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Nutmeg ...

Boil water and pour over spinach until it is thawed. Melt butter over medium heat. Remove the pan from the heat and stir the flour into the butter. Put the pot back on the heat. Add milk and cream. Let it all boil and get thick, but keep an eye and stir m

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda (the rest for brushing) Yogurt plain ...

Pour yogurt and water into a bowl and dissolve the yeast. Add salt, sugar, oil and egg and stir around. Add carrots and oatmeal. Mix baking powder with the flour and put it in. Hold any of the flour back, be well-liked, on machine for at least 5 minutes. Rais

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Cut the squash into thin slices and put them in a cold pot with the butter. Turn on the fire and let it warm slowly. Stir frequently in the pan. When the squash is slowly separating, add lemon juice and yogurt. Season with salt and pepper.

Breakfast & brunch Flour for the dough can not be touched by hand more Salt Oil ...

Pour yeast into the cold water. Add oil and salt and flour to the dough can no longer be stirred by hand. Covered with household film and put in a refrigerator overnight. Place on plate the following day with two spoons and brush with water. Spray if neces

Dressing EVS. a little fresh chives Pepper Salt ...

Mix mayonnaise, cremefraise, mustard, lemon, salt, pepper, estragon and sugar (and chocolates, if desired, finely chopped). Chop pickles and onions in fine tern and chop them, peel and chop the apple fine and mix it. Put capers in. Mix well and season with

Sides Pepper Salt Mustard powder ...

The whole thing is held together in the measuring cup that comes with the hand blender and "rests approx. 15 min, then use the hand blender. Down at the bottom of the mixture and then drive up and down a couple of times and wupti-there is garlic mayo. tips:

Mains Salt Water Durummel ...

Mix flour, egg, salt and water in a bowl and stir thoroughly with spoon or whisk (Important: WITH HAIR!) Until the dough begins to make "bubbles". Let the dough stand for 10 minutes and cook a pot of water in the meantime. The dough must now be pressed p

Cakes Cardamom Salt Wheat flour ...

Whip the cream stiff and mix the other ingredients in. Bring a good sprig dough on each clover of the waffle iron. Squeeze the iron together and behind the waffles. tips: Of course, fresh cream can also be used, but if you have some sour cream, these waffl