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Recipes with Salt

Mains Tarragon, fresh Oil Pepper ...

The potatoes are washed and halved. Peel the potatoes, brush the surface with a little oil and sprinkle salt before baking at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for 50-60 minutes in a preheated oven. The fish is steamed. In a covered dish 15-20 min. In the oven or 3-

Salads Pepper Salt Red onion ...

Boil the potatoes with peel, rinse with cold water and peel. Boil if necessary. Potatoes the day before. The vegetables are flushed and sliced: The tomatoes are cut into thin boats, the onions are cut into the rings. The mango fruit is halved outside the stone

Sides Fresh paprika Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes are peeled and boiled tenderly in salted water. 20 min. Prepare the sauce: The stems from the celery celery are cut into thin slices, the hazelnuts chopped and the fresh chilli is cracked, cleaned for seeds and chopped well. It all mixes with c

Soups EVS. garlic and fresh herbs Garlic Aromatic vinegar ...

Mix the marinade, cut the meat into thin strips and mix it in the marinade. Let it pull while the soup is cooked. The potatoes are peeled and cut into smaller pieces, onions and possibly. Garlic peeled and chopped. The oil is heated in a saucepan. The potat

Mains Pineapple. canning Pineapple juice. canning Oil ...

The potatoes are peeled and cut into very thin slices. The onions are also cut into very thin slices and the pineapple rings are divided into eight parts each. In a large refractory dish lay half of the potatoes, onions, pineapples and raisins. The oil i

Mains Lemon juice Finhakket onions Potatoes ...

Wash the potatoes thoroughly and divide them along. Cut approx. 4 potato boats of each half potato. Put the potatoes in a large refractory dish. Mix oil and lemon juice and brush the top potato boats. Sprinkle salt over the potatoes. Stir all the ingredi

Mains Semi-skimmed milk Nutmeg, freshly grated Pepper. White ...

Potatoes and carrots are peeled and rubbed roughly. Pepper and mushrooms are cleaned and cut into thin slices. The oil is heated on a pan and the ripened carrots are roasted for 1 minute. The cracked potatoes are added and further cooked together with carro

Mains Mealy potatoes, scrubbed Nutmeg Salt ...

Put the potatoes in a large pot of salted water. The sims until they feel tender at a plug with a sharp knife. Pour the water and let the potatoes cool off before peeling. The potatoes are purified directly on a plate-coated table top. Sift flour, salt and