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Recipes with Salt

Mains Cayenne pepper A package fresh lasagna sheets Herbes de provence (oregano or thyme can also be used) ...

The onion chopped and sautéed in a little sugar (for later to enhance flavor of the second). Add the meat and Brown. Add tomato (chopped and puree), garlic and various spices. There may need to add some water, because it is best if the gravy now are allowed

Appetizers Chunky salsa (mild) Lemon or 0.5 lime Jalapenos chili pepper ...

tortilla chips evenly in a foil tray. Salsa and cheese spread over the chips in the mentioned rækkefølgr and garnish with jalapenos, in the oven at about 200 degrees in 7-9 my to the cheese is melted and Golden, served with the rest of the salsa from the glass

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

'S/order koteletterne. (remove possibly fat edges). Sprinkle salt and pepper on the aftertaste. Brown lightly on the forehead. Put in casserole dish. Mushroom Brown with a little salt and pepper. Onions Brown. Put over pork chop cubes. Finally, they pour 2 can

Salads Bulgur (coarse) Lemon Oil ...

boil bulguren after manual pipe while oil, salt, pepper and a little lemon juice together. Roast pine kernels and cut the dried apricots, diced. Mix it all together and place it in the refrigerator Tips: must be eaten cold

Mains Cream havarti cheese Oil Pepper ...

Brown the meat in a pan with onions and garlic, pour it into a heat-proof platter. saute the mushrooms once they are roasted and well accepted by the flour in and add the cream, season with salt and pepper. Pour over the meat. Tomatoes cut into slices and plac

Snacks Oil Salt Potatoes ...

cut the potatoes into slices pour the oil in a frying pan put kartofflerne on and sprinkle with salt. vænd them and sprinkle more salt on. Then you have some lækkre crispy chips.

Various Cinnamon (may be omitted) Pepper Salt ...

Flare fat and blubber cut into small cubes. Onion and chop apples. Everything in a saucepan, add spices, sitting over a low heat for a couple of hours. Then pour the fat from and be cold. Garnish with roasted onions and thyme. Greaves can possibly. used as an

Mains A small red bell peppers Pepper Peprika ...

Fry the bacon, but not completely crunchy. slice the onion and bell pepper into cubes and fry them together with the bacon. Add the chopped tomatoes and garlic. Let small boiling for five minutes and then add the cream. Let it simmer for additional 5-10 min. s