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Recipes with Salt

Mains Salt Bouillon cube Water ...

Boil the water for rice up and add the rice * Boil water and add the bouillon cube. * Press the flesh out of medisteren and form to the buns. * Cook the dough balls about 30-60 seconds in the water. * Melt the margerinen and add karryen, let it "cook up"

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Blanch green cabbage minutes and chop it finely. Stir it together with flour, eggs, finely chopped onion and cottage cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Form for rissoles, as FRY in fat in the Pan, 5 minutes on each side. Serve with boiled potatoes or m

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Salt Sugar ...

melt the butter in a pan and pour it into a bowl. pour the milk up in, and then the yeast particles. When the yeast has dissolved to sugar and salt in. eventually you wheat flour mixes and durumsmel in. ældt the dough until it is fixed. ruld dough into a loa

Mains Champingon on demand Curry Pepper ...

Brown chicken pieces along with curry in a pot for they have become golden brown. It is a matter of taste, how strong you like curry dishes, but you can always add extra Curry finally when one tastes. Add the pineapple and juice away. Add the coconut milk,

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Sesame seeds Plain yogurt ...

0pløs the yeast in the water. Add the yogurt, salt, flour, sesame seeds and 2/3 of the flour. Knead the dough and add more flour to dough continuously is soft and supple. Let dough raise in 1 hour. Portion dough into 16 pieces and roll each piece into a long

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Lukewarm water Water ...

Mix to a steady mush together with surdejen. Allow to stand for 8 hours. From dough taken now 200 g sourdough for next time. In rest touched 300 g 500 g coarsely chopped rye kernels and rye flour, if necessary. water. The dough is filled into 2 moulds and a

Soups Pepper Pores Chives ...

The vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes or slices. Sauté in Marg. Boulionen poured in and it all boils for about 20 min. derfeter blended it and the cream is added. Season with EVS. salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkled with fried bacon or sausage slices

Lunch Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices-use æggedeleren! Brown mushroom slices lightly in the margarine-season with salt and pepper. Pour piskefløden by and let the sauce småsimre, until it is cooked into the appropriate consistency. The longer, the mor