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Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Syrup Femkorns mix Lukewarm water (not more than 37grader consultancy) ...

Pour the lukewarm water in a bowl, and smulr the yeast in. Pour the remaining ingredients in, but save a little of the flour. Knead the dough thoroughly and add the last of the flour little by little. Set the dough to withdraw approximately 1 hour. Beat

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Baking pan greased with butter cod fillets are seasoned with paprika salt and pepper are placed opposite each other with the skin side down, the tomatoes and place along the fish, onions skives chopped and distributed on the tomatoes butter BLOBs are distribu

Mains Wheat flour Milk Pepper according to taste ...

Ham schnitzel paneres m. paprika, bread crumbs, salt, pepper, and FRY on the forehead. Sauce: cut the peppers and the onions into cubes, moisture. Came the margarine in a saucepan, melt margarine and paprika, then came first onions and bell peppers in a few

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Start weberen op. (ca. 45 min) RIDs the duck breasts and rub it with salt and a little pepper. Put the breasts on directly for five minutes Then added the addition on indirectly in ca. 30 min. So they are ready to rest for approx. 10 min. slice them into thin

Mains Garlic Onion Oil ...

Ox bow Brown vehemently in a large frying pan. seasoned with salt and pepper on both sides. An onion is complied by in quarters along with a few cloves of garlic. The bow is covered with water and boil, covered, in a three hours at low heat. When the bow i

Mains Chili powder Coffee Olive oil ...

Fry the finely chopped chilli, garlic and cumin in olive oil. Add 2 chopped onion, a chopped pepper and 4 chopped stalks celery. Add oksebov then cut into bite-sized pieces. When the vegetables are soft and the meat is browned, add the peeled tomatoes and t

Soups EVS. bread and fresh spinach and sour cream as an accompaniment Honey or sugar Ginger ...

the carrots peeled and cut into small pieces, onions chopped coarsely. Chili, garlic and a lump of ginger is equivalent to a little more than it used garlic chopped. coriander, cumin, chili, garlic and Ginger fried in olive oil and a teaspoon of honey or

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Form 8 patties and brown them quick on the forehead. got them in a heat-proof platter. The sauce: make broth by 1 bouillon cube. It came in a pot the peeled tomatoes they crushed garlic is added. It smoothed over with meljævner. cream admissible in little b