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Recipes with Salt

Sides Pepper Turkey bacon Salt ...

Arrow and finely chop the onion, Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. Leek is cleaned thoroughly and cut into thin slices. Heat oil in a pan, and gently fry the vegetables. Pour in the rice and sauté a little with the vegetables. The water poured

Sides Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

Cook the pasta with a little salt and cool it off. Cut the peppers and cucumber into small cubes, peanuts cut into thin slices. Garlic, Sun-dried tomato and chilli (Seedless) chopped finely and mix in creme fraichen, season with salt and pepper. Fry the ba

Mains Barbeque Paprika Pasta ...

Onion cut into cubes and Brown in a pan, together with carved cocktails sausages. then pour the cooked pasta into the Pan screws. sweet soy sauce added along with salt, pepper, paprika and barbeque. then add ketchup and milk. It seems small simmer for about 10

Soups Groftkværnet pepper Parsley Paprika ...

Leeks cut into thin slices. Gulerøder and parsley root cut into cubes. Sauté the vegetables in a pan in the margarine. The flour is stirred to jævning and heldes. Salt spices and broth are added. The soup småkoger, covered, about 15 mins. Season with salt

Mains Salt Large onion finely chopped Olive oil ...

Okraerne rinse and pat dry with paper towels cut them in slices of 1 cm. Heat the oil in a wok for even heat and sauté the onions soften. Add the okra slices and salt, stir it gently along, to okraerne is cooked, approximately 10-12 minutes. Serve wit

Cakes Melted margarine Salt Buttermilk ...

You mix all the dry ingredients, then add the wet, and concludes by adding a little melted margarine. Tips: You can use regular milk, in the absence of better, but the flavor will be much better and fresher with buttermilk.

Mains Water Grated ginger root Salt ...

The beans are soaked in water overnight. Bring the beans to a boil in water. Put the lid on and let them simmer 1 hour, or until tender. Afdryppes. Heat the oil in a large pan and saute the onion, garlic, ginger and chilli, the onion is soft. Add beans,

Bread, buns & biscuits Basic sourdough Rugbrødsdej Sourdough ...

Step 1. Dissolve the yeast in the water, add the flour and stir the uniform a few minutes to finally add the salt. Must be in 2 days-coated film, take into account that it raises. Step 2. Pipes because surdejen out with the syrup, then add the rye flour,