Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Prepare the mussels by washing them and remove if necessary. Beard (some gripping-dimmers, on the flat side of the mussel.). REMEMBER !!! Make sure the mussels are alive: If they are open before steaming, then knock them to the table, if they do not close t

Cakes Palmin Eggs Egg yolk ...

The butter is stirred softly, after which the eggs whipped in the milk are stirred together with the sugar and the salt. The baking soda is mixed with the flour, and this is done in the mixture, so the dough becomes smooth and firm. The finished dejg must rest

Appetizers Pepper Salt Butter or oil for frying ...

Stir the panchetta crisp in a little oil and put it on greasy paper. Chop sliced ​​and sauté in a small saucepan, add the white wine and simmer. If the obstacles are still on the sea bag jaws, these are removed. Make four spoons out of rosemary twigs (a

Bread, buns & biscuits Butter Honey Salt ...

Dissolve yeast in the water. Stir some of the flour, tahin and honey until it is even, stir the rest with your hands. The dough must only be collected. When the flour is roughly evenly distributed, stop it. Pour the dough into butter-baked rye bread (s). It

Mains Peeled tomatoes with wetness (ca. 400 g) Onion Pepper ...

Arrow sliced ​​it into cubes. Bring the oil in a saucepan and warm it up. Bring the rice and onions to the pan and stir around until the rice is light brown. Remove the pot from the heat and add tomatoes, water, salt and pepper. Put on the lid, put the pot ov

Cold cuts Pepper Liver Blubber ...

The liver is cut into small pieces And put a bowl of cold water Water is changed frequently until the blood / juice does not color the water quite a bit Liver, sprouts, potatoes, onion chopped 2 times (1 time if the liver item is desired rough) The egg

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Cut the bread in 1½ cm thick slices and knock them out a little. Cut the basil leaves into strips. Bring brown sirloin steaks a piece at a time into butter in a saucepan. Season with salt and pepper and put them back into the pan. Add bouillon, soy and garl

Cakes Salt Bicarbonate of soda Oil ...

1. Whip oil and go together 2. Add eggs and whip again 3. Mix flour, baking soda, salt, soda, vanilla and cinnamon and stir in the dough. 4. Pour the grated carrots in 5. Pour the dough into a pan 6. Bake the cake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes.