Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red wine

Mains Pepper Salt Ground allspice ...

Brown wild boar mallet carefully in oil in a large frying pan. Take the meat up and season with salt and pepper. Fry the onions until they are browned, add the garlic, allspice, juniper berries, red wine and wild boar mallet. Put a lid on the Pan in the ove

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

RIDs the flesh into cubes, and put it in a deep dish. Mix marinade together of those ingredients and pour it over. Mariner Club 1 ½-2 days and turn it on and off. Take it out of the marinade, and Pat it dry with kitchen roll paper. Place it in the roasti

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at 170 deg C alm. oven. Peel and cut parsley roots and carrots into sticks, and chop the onions. Roast wild boar leg with Juniper: take 1/5 of the vegetables and grate them in from a little oil together with thyme and Rosemary. Add the r

Lunch Cucumber Balsamic vinegar Bananløg ...

Put thin slices of smoked Turkey-URf.eks. Breast-on a platter, along with a good pile of lettuce. cut the peeled cucumber in 3-4 cm long pieces, which made up for grabs. Plug a Tulip flower in the middle of the cucumber strips, and garnish the salad with the T

Mains Suit Meljævning Pepper ...

The comb scratched. The emphasis is in a deep Bowl and pour over with red wine. All the spices are added. The meat marinerer so for 24 hours and be turned on and off in the marinade. The roast are dried, rubbed with salt, put in baking pan and brush with oi

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into coarse cubes and sauté in the pan. Add the Pearl onions and mushrooms, which are cut into smaller pieces. FRY it all golden brown. Sprinkle about 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and stir. Com red wine, broth and spices. The Court let Cook o

Mains Lemon juice Oil for cooking Oil for frying ...

Rådyrryg: cut the fillet from the leg and place it aside. Sauce: cut the anchovies into pieces and brown them in a large frying pan with onion and carrot. Add the red wine and a sprig of thyme, reduce to 1/3. Pour the veal and Cook, covered, on Fund for abo

Mains Extra virgin olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Washing kartoflene, grate them and press væden of them in a tea towel. Form them into a small pancake and fry it in oil (possibly on a small blini-Pan) until it is tender and crisp on both sides. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste along the way. Plaster te