Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Red wine

Mains Asparagus Blanched parsley Cream ...

Mallet cut filled with blanched parsley and garlic, the Club tied with string, and interval FRY in oven at 170 degrees. 2 pears peeled and halved be marinated in red wine-and porchere finished. Boil down with Oyster Mushrooms and Madeira cream filled into a kr

Sauces EVS. 100 g beef marrow. Salt Bay leaf ...

Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Rinse the parsley and thyme and bind it together with bay leaf. Bring the red wine to a boil, Cook the onion and herb bouquet in and cook ahead for good heat without a lid, for there are about half back. Melt butter, stir

Mains Fintsnittet Chinese cabbage Pepper Salt ...

Warm grape seed oil and Brown chicken pieces lightly, sprinkle pepper and a little salt over. Bouillon cube, water and red wine came by and let it småsnurre on a low heat, covered, for meat is tender, about 20 minutes Take the pieces up on a serving dish and

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the bacon into small pieces, toasted Golden and crisp in a pan and put up a knob of butter into the pan. come and Brown chicken meat in it. Add the mushrooms into quarters and let them spin with a couple of my. Add the fried bacon, pressed garlic, olive

Mains Beans Potatoes Pepper ...

Deer backs rubbed with salt and pepper. Put in a roasting pan. Butter BLOBs passed. Brown 15 min at 225 °. Red wine and water is added. FRY further by 160 ° in approx. 40 min. Flesh pulls under alu-foil ca. 15 min. Cloud filtered and warmed up. Corn starch is

Mains White pepper Pepper Salt ...

Cook rice approx. 10 min. in the broth. Let kantarellerne drain-take some pieces from for garnish-cut the rest into thin slices. Arrow and chop the onions. Take slice into cubes, FRY in a pan. Saute the onions and butter by came herein. Add the sliced chant

Mains Pepper Salt Gravy ...

Inserts andeleveren into smaller pieces. Fry the pieces without fat on a hot pan. Turn the pieces into the potato puree. Add the herbs. Friter rodsellerien in oil to the given color. Cut the gåsefiletterne out and grill them in a little olive oil. Server

Mains A little lemon juice A little sugar Wildlife Fund ...

Deer Club: Animal Club boning get possibly Their butcher to do this for Them. The mallet out in a roasting pan and Brown at about 225 degrees C in the oven, about 25 minutes. When it is browned by, be it in the saucepan, pour over with water or game meat broth