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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Bassilikum after taste Garlic Paprika ...

butter and all the chopped ingredients mixed mørbraen cut lengthwise almost through and the mass put in also touched on along. then closed the meat and roast the cord wrapped around the meat so the mass is inside the tenderloin Tips: can be served with ove

Mains Pepper Salt Puff pastry ...

mix the stuffing with egg salt pepper grated onions and flour and let it rest thaw the puff pastry until it is ready drop-down and roll it out to fit a mellen ovenproof dish. Lay the puff pastry in the dish fill half of forcemeat on dough and then a layer of a

Mains Corn flour to jævning Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in the fat. The onions cut into cubes and add along with the garlic, paprika, peberfrugten into cubes, salt and pepper. Broth and carrots into slices and add the right småkoger for 1 hour for meat is tender. Corn flour is stirred up in cold w

Soups Pepper Salt Bay leaves ...

Heat the oil in a pan. Add carrots, onion and celery, all finely chopped, they pressed garlic and bay leaf. Stir and simmer for 15 minutes, covered. When the vegetables are softened, add the tomatoes in both as well as the sun-dried tomatoes into strips. Le

Cookies Pepper Baking soda Wheat flour ...

It all is mixed well together. Roll the dough into a thick sausage that is shared multiple times. Pieces of dough into finger-thick rods rolled, cut into small pieces and rolled into balls. Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees 10-12 minutes c. alm. ove

Mains Fresh fat slices Pepper Salt ...

The Turkey be able and tendons pulled out of your thighs. The rubbed with salt and pepper, breast legs bend or kink and breast, thighs ombindes with thin slices of lard. The Turkey is put up and coated with margarine, before being placed on the page on the gra

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The onions peeled and chopped fine. Chili peberne rinse and chop finely. The tomatoes are washed by scratches in the cross, be a moment in the boiling water and skinned. The green at the stem of the hilt set and the tomatoes cut into slices. Courgetterne rinse

Mains 3 potatoes A little chilli Pepper ...

parsley and onion chopped finely and mix together with køddet. salt and pepper are added. "Køddejen" is distributed in a dish. Toma terme cut into slices and spread on top of the meat. The potatoes peeled off and distributed on top right. potato slices can pos