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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Chop the onion finely and stir all ingredients together. Form forcemeat for meatballs with a spoon and fry them as regular meatballs until they are through fried. Tips: The sweet taste from the tranebærene and the strong from dijonsennepen complement each

Sides A little Danish water Milk and even better cream Margarine ...

The fish is chopped into a mincer. The other ingredients are added, with the exception of lard and margarine, as it is for frying. Melt ½ ½ margarine and lard in a frying pan. There must be so much fat that meatballs ca. have fat up to the middle. Save not

Sides Pepper Salt Small cup creme fraise 18% ...

squeeze the water from the tuna. Pour the tuna up into a bowl. Chop the tuna well until it is finely ground. Mix the other ingredients and stir well. "forcemeat" should be a little sticky. hot oil or other fat in the pan. Formes as meatballs and FRY Gold

Mains Coarse salt Pepper Chilli, crushed ...

Svitst the chopped onions in margerinen, without giving them color, add bacon, let the bacon taste go out in margerinen. Add the paprika, chili, pepper mixture, and the finely chopped garlic, then accepted the beef, mushrooms, green and red pepper cut into

Cold cuts Oil Oregano Pepper ...

Liver, onions, bacon and anchovies in a food processor chop eggs, milk, oil, salt, pepper, bread crumbs, cognac is stirred into the dough pour in buttered moulds. and bake in a Bain Marie 200gr ca 45 min Tips: Can be frozen uncooked or baked

Mains Dill, fresh Olive oil Pepper ...

Thaw fish and prawns. Dry the fish easily. Put it in a greased casserole dish and season with salt and pepper. Cut the tomatoes in half, place them in a heat-proof platter and season with salt, pepper and a touch of sugar (to stimulate tomatoes sweetness

Mains Wheat flour Herb mix Pepper ...

Tail tips are folded under the fish. The fillets are changed in flour, salt and pepper and FRY on a hot pan about 3 minutes on each side. All vegetables except spinach cut into slices. Start with the grates carrots 3-5 minutes in olive oil. Add the leeks

Sides Pepper Salt Dill ...

Rødløgene cut into thin strips. FRY in a little oil in a frying pan for about 1 min. turn down the heat and add a dollop of butter (may be omitted), and parsley root, which is peeled and cut into fine cubes. Let it simmer for a further 2-3 min. season with sal