Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Smulder wheat flour and margarine-add water and collect the dough quickly. Style the cool for 1 hour. Then roll the dough out and a pie dish covered with dough. Prick tart bottom tightly with a fork. Bottom pre-baked in 10 minutes. Meanwhile, beat eggs and sou

Mains Pepper Salt Accessories ...

The Finns are clipped by the eel, and the peeled cut into appropriate pieces Then invert the in rye flour and seasoned with salt and pepper. 50 grams of butter is melted in the pan fried Eel herein for they are light brown. At the same time, melt 50 g

Sides Salt Sweetener Pepper ...

Rhubarb stems cut into thin slices as the cucumber salad, sprinkled with salt. The sweetener dissolves in the lemon juice, pour into a glass with screw cap or a blubber refinery atamon washed glass sprinkle rhubarb with pepper and add to the glass. Used instea

Pickling Salt Allspice Pepper ...

Rhubarb and onions cooked in vinegar, covered, 20 minutes. Brown sugar and spices added, came and the whole spices, wrapped in gauze. It all brought to the boil while stirring and boil 10 minutes, to the mass is soft and smooth. The spices in the gauze i

Sides Pepper Salt Garlic ...

A little margarine in a saucepan and then came the two cans of corn in with half a litre of cream so you can see the corn. Add garlic salt and pepper in and then it should cook for the cream almost comes off.

Mains Corn flour jævning Pepper Salt ...

Cut the spring onions into small pieces Clean mushrooms and cut them into quarters Saute scallions and mushrooms in soy sauce. Season with salt and pepper (preferably coarse) add milk and danablu and let it boil for a short Levelled with corn flour and the coo

Mains Madkulør Paprika Pepper ...

Pig de-fat and cut into 2-3 cm. slices and sauté in the pan with salt, pepper and paprika. Put in a large pot. Onions, mushrooms, sausages and bacon Sauté and poured together with. Sauce: make Brittany gravy as on package, in another saucepan and pour t

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Turkey bacon ...

All blended to it has the same consistency. Is poured into small molds and bake in water bath at 170 degrees hot oven for an hour. Can be frozen. Not crumbles.