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Recipes with Isinglass

Appetizers Broad leaves of parsley White pepper Lola rosa lettuce ...

Mousse: Add the smoked halibut, soft butter add and stir, then add creamy fry, fine grated apple, lemon juice and white pepper and stir together. Mixed house leaves are added and refrigerated. Cream fraiche, lemon juice and salt are mixed together and flavore

Appetizers Cut dill to taste Zest and lemon juice to taste Fish broth ...

At the bottom of 4 serving bowl, a little bit of frieze is dild. Fill half with shrimp and whole peas. Boil the boil and cook with white wine, salt and lemon juice. Put the husblasen in cold water for 5 minutes, hug tight and melt in the light broth. Let it

Cold cuts Portvinssky Eggs Sweet, white port wine ...

Clean, rinse and dry the liver. Bring them to a food processor / quick starter and chop them at the fastest speed for approx. 5 sec. Add the remaining ingredients and chop approximately 5 sec. Pour the mixture into 8 porcelain or aluforms (a about 1/2 dl). Beh

Desserts (warm) Cherry wine Water Sugar ...

Boil water and sugar. Remove the pot from the heat. Place the house block in cold water for at least 10 minutes. Squeeze the water, put it in the sugar layer and let it melt. Heat it a little if it does not melt. Add the cherry wine and stir. Pour 1½ dl of the

Desserts (cold) Jelly Sherry Vanilla sugar ...

Eggs and sugar are well-stirred. The milk is boiled and driped in the egg yolks while stirring. The cream is poured back into the pan and heated for a moment, but it should not boil. The house block is soaked in cold water for a few minutes and then melted in

Desserts (cold) Liquid minusuk Powder coffee Isinglass ...

The milk is boiled up. Add sweetener, instant coffee and the soaked house leaf. Fromaget is cold until it is served and may be fried with whipped cream.

Cold cuts Isinglass Dådyrbov with legs Fresh thyme ...

The toppings are blanched, then placed in a pot of water, boiled and rinsed. Then add the reconstituted vegetables and spices. This is cooked now that the animal tree is well tender. Cool the top of the dish, cut the meat and cut it into small terns. The spray

Desserts (cold) Diamine strew Eggs Isinglass ...

The fruit meat is blended. The egg flowers are whipped with Diamin Strø. The egg whites are whipped stiff (with dry whipping). Husblas soaked in cold water and melt, mix with the mixed fruit pulp and turn into the eggshell. When the mass is stiffening, the