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Recipes with Ginger

Candy Blue poppy seed Ginger Raisins ...

Sunflower seeds and raisins food processer and rolled into balls. Blue poppy seeds be painted in coffee grinder and mix with grated ginger. Streaks of this mass is pressed onto the balls. Alternatively, the ginger, add in the balls, which then rolled in poppy

Cold cuts Peppercorn Allspice Carrot ...

Part roast the piece with a knife so that it will be half as thick, but still hanging together in one piece. Put battle it out with sværsiden down. Mix the salt and spice, sprinkle the mixture over the battle it out. Scroll battle it out together at a fixed sc

Cookies Cocktail cherries Vermicelli Sugar balls ...

Break up the butter in the flour, which is mixed with baking soda. Eggs, sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon zest stirred in. chop the nuts finely, and turn them into dough with spices. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes in refrigerator. Roll out dough thinly and

Cookies Apricot jam In addition, Ginger ...

Pour the flour into a bowl. Break up the butter in it. Add sugar, vanilla sugar, ginger and egg. Knead the dough together and let it rest 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Roll it thin out and plug it out with a heart shape. Put them on a baking sheet and bak

Pickling Ginger Atamonpulver Cinnamon ...

The tomatoes washed and pricked deeply and placed in a brine of vinegar and boiled water overnight. The tomatoes and bed sheet be brought slowly to a boil and boil gently for 5 minutes taken dersfter up and added to draining in a sieve. Bed sheet, add the suga

Mains Salt Corn oil Garlic ...

Cut the onions in long strips, Peel and cut the potatoes into round slices (approximately 1/2 cm. thick). The spinach should be washed in cold water. Garlic, ginger and chili to be torn. All things accepted in a large bowl. Add the 250 g chickpea flour and spi

Mains Turmeric Cumin powder Coriander ...

Com meat, onion, garlic, sweet chilli powder, salt, turmeric and oil in a frying pan with 250 ml. water. Let Cook for about 20 minutes when the water is cooked away, be complied with tomato and Ginger Must then stir in ca.. 10-15 min. Came to the last black pe

Mains Turmeric Coriander Salt ...

Onions and garlic to fry in oil. When they are Brown, add chicken, sweet chilli, salt and turmeric. Must be stirred constantly for 15 minutes, then tomato and Ginger Came in and cook until oil separates. Can be decorated with cilantro and green chili. Serve wi