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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Oil for deep frying Pepper Salt ...

Put the meat in a bowl and stir it with salt, pepper, pressed garlic, grated onion, bread crumbs and egg. Stir well and share the forcemeat into 12 pieces, pressed a little flat. Stir the cheese soft with water and place it on the father's pieces, which rolled

Desserts (cold) Eggs Pineapple Oil ...

Peel and slice the 4 rings and ananassen remove the middle part, so there is a hole in the rest of the meat to the. Blend pure and mix it with vanilieisen, low 4 large balls and place them in the freezer. Mix the flour and eggs with about 1-1.5 dl water into a

Sides Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Cut lettuce into thin strips and dip them in the frying mixture. Deep fat FRY salad in very hot Virgin olive oil or other vegetable oil, and let them become Golden, before the drips of on Fryer-paper and serve them warm.

Desserts (warm) Lemon Cinnamon Salt ...

Stir in beer, eggs salt and lemon together and term the flour in the dough smooth and Pipes. allow to stand 30 min. Peel the apples and remove the core House. Cut the apples into 1 cm thick slices, dip them in the batter and deep fry them 3-4 min. until golden

Lunch Frying oil Pepper Salt ...

Water and butter are boiling up, sprinkle in flour and stir into a batter. Should drop the pan. Take it off the heat and whisk in the eggs one by one. Turn cautious cheese stiftpiskede egg white in Turn in. and molded into small buns. Cooker (a few at a

Mains White pepper Oil for deep frying Salt ...

Rinse the fillets and cut them into strips (2 cm. Wide). Pour lemon juice over, sprinkle with salt and pepper and let infuse for 30-40 minutes. Stir the flour with water, eggs, parsley and spices. Stir in soda in eventually and let it stand and pull approx.

Mains Oil for deep frying Ground white pepper Eggs ...

Low first plum sauce. Scrape yolk flesh from the stone with a fork, then it turns into tiny strips. Set them aside. Came the vinegar and sugar in a saucepan and boil it into a pickle. Stir yolk into strips and pour the sauce into a bowl. Mix all the other i

Mains A few drops of chili oil Oil for deep frying Dark brown sugar ...

Place alternating slices of pork, ham and water chestnuts on small grill spit Mariner them 3 hours in the fridge in the soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, oyster sauce and chilli oil. Tube maizenamel, sherry and eggs to a steady batter. Turn the spiddene in t