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Recipes with Eggs

Soups A dusting of sugar cane Cheese for gratinating Pepper ...

Soup: Peel the onion and cut into thin slices. Step them until brown and caramelized. Sprinkle them with a little cane sugar and add the bay leaf. Pour the broth and simmer for 10 minutes. Meatballs: All ingredients must be cold. This makes the farmer easie

Mains Cinnamon, ground Eggs Paprika ...

Sprinkle the bread in a little water, squeeze it dry and crumble it into a large bowl. Add meat, egg, garlic, cinnamon, peppers, salt and pepper and knead well together. Have damp hands! Still with damp hands you make walnut-sized meatballs. These are put o

Mains Fresh herbs Pepper Salt ...

Bacon cut into thin strips and switch sprinkles for even heat. They are picked up and drained on the kitchen roll. Put the pasta in a large pot of boiling water and cook it 'al dente'. Drip into the pan, pour into the pan and keep warm. Whip eggs, cheese

Desserts (patisserie) Linsedej Eggs Whites ...

It all crumbled into a bowl and eventually it was easily kneaded. Then it is recommended in the refrigerator for at least one hour. The mass is then rolled out in 3mm thickness and protruded in round medals for approx. 3-3½ cm in diameter. Then sprinkle an edg

Desserts (patisserie) Linsedej Lot Eggs ...

All of it crumbles in a bowl and finally knead together and refrigerate for at least one hour. Then it is rolled out in 3mm thickness and plotted in round medals. About 3½-4 cm in diameter. Sugar and pulp are kneaded together and the white is added gradu

Desserts (patisserie) Berry Cream Dough ...

Butter and water boil in a saucepan. Bring the flour and stir well for a solid dough. Remove the pot from the heat and stir in sugar and baking soda. Stir the eggs a little at a time (the dough must be stuck). Bring doughballs on the baking sheet (of less than

Desserts (patisserie) Apple sauce with whipped cream + a sprinkle vermicelli Whipped cream with chopped chocolate Custard with banana slices ...

Melt the butter, let it cool a little and stir the rest of the ingredients. Put the dough on a plate of baking paper with a spoonful and at a good distance as the dough flows a lot during baking. Bag approx. 8 min. At 175 ° in the middle of the oven until the

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix the chopped meat with the grater, add finely chopped parsley, parmesan, salt and pepper and mix it all thoroughly. Whip the eggs lightly and stir them in the meat mixture. It must hang together so that it is possible to shape it into a large oval bread. If