Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaves

Mains Possibly 1 beer instead of some of the broth Cajun sunshine sauce Peeled tomatoes ...

Melt some of the butter in a large skillet, season with a spoon of Creole Seasoning and raise about half of the coarse vegetables for a little 20 minutes. The purpose is to pull the bitter out of the vegetables and let the sweet go forth. Scrape your forehe

Mains Crème fraiche 38% Jævning Suit ...

The chicken is divided into smaller pieces. The bacon is cut free of heavy and cut into narrow strips that fry with the small pinned onion (buy the frozen if you are going to make it easy). When this is golden, put the chicken pieces with garlic cloves and the

Soups Cognac Pepper Salt ...

Peel the onions and cut them into thin slices. Slowly chop them in plenty of butter until brown and caramelized. It takes time, turn them along and make sure they do not burn. Cut the slices into slices and dry them in the oven at 180 degrees until they are

Mains Thyme Red wine Chopped onion ...

Brown the oxen in a thick pot, like a rose sauce. Sprinkle flour, salt and pepper over. The oxen are picked up and the bacon is switched. Add the onions and garlic and season for a few more minutes (add a spicy olive oil if necessary). After a few minutes add

Mains Cream Honey Garlic ...

The day before: The spirit is cleaned well inside and out, make sure to remove blood residues etc. Cut off the gump unless you like it. Remove the bag of indigo and save the contents to make sauce. Marinade: 6-8 dl. Water (Milk) mix with 50 grams of salt, 2-

Mains Cinnamon Olive oil/other cooking oil Pepper ...

Season the onions in the pan / pan until they are lightly browned and then add the meat. When the meat is almost fried in, add the wine and let it stand for 2-3 minutes at medium heat. Add tomato, bay leaves, salt, pepper, cinnamon and sugarcake. Let it stan

Mains A little white wine Margarine Pepper ...

The chicken is parted and browned in a little margarine. Season with salt and pepper. Then add the whole shallots, carrots and slices of thin slices, bay leaves and garlic in smaller pieces. Beers are poured and the chicken is steamed tenderly under low hea

Mains Lemon juice Lemon peel Or Greek potato wedges ...

1, peel the lamb and scratch it in 1 cm depth on both sides. Gry both ways to form a square. In the surface of the meat 2 melt the butter and mix all the other ingredients together 3. rub the club well into the marinade so that it comes in all cracks. 4.