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The American dream/fat combustion soup

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for The American dream/fat combustion soup

Can seasoned if desired with salt pepper Curry parsley or "strong spice" (tabasco)
1 Kålhoved
1 Celery head
2 can Chopped tomatoes
2 Chicken "force" dice
2 Large green pepper
6 Large onion

Instructions for The American dream/fat combustion soup

To prepare the The American dream/fat combustion soup recipe, please follow these instructions:

Cut vegetables in small – medium-sized pieces and put them in a large pan with the tomatoes and chicken-power dice. Cover with water. Let it boil for 10 minutes and then turn down the heat and let the simmer. until it is finished.

The soup can be eaten at any time you feel hungry. Eat as much as you want and when you want to carry the day when the intake of this soup actually burns calories. The more you eat, the more you will lose you.

The "FAT-BURNING SOUP" can be taken at any time, if the hunger feels. Eat as much of it as you want and keep in mind that the more you eat this soup, the more you will lose weight.

However, there are some very clear things that must be adhered to.

First of all: no alcohol since it directly influences on the combustion of the fat you have in your body. Wait for at least 24 hours after you have consumed alcohol before you start the diet.

For the second: I don't want to carbonated soft drinks, including Danish water and other low-calorie sodas. Drink only water, unsweetened tea, coffee without sugar and cream, unsweetened fruit juice and skim milk.

Thirdly: no food that is cooked in oil-butter or other fats, bread or other products containing flour, sugar or sweeteners of any kind.

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