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Spaghetti a la residues

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Spaghetti a la residues

Fresh vegetables-scraps of meat or fish
Fresh spices or just dried (as needed-like to diligently use of "Spice-drawer")
2 Onion

Instructions for Spaghetti a la residues

To prepare the Spaghetti a la residues recipe, please follow these instructions:

Set water to boil first.---Spaghetti as needed (plenty) of boiling and cooked in salted water (one and a half spskf.) URpr.lit. pour a little canola oil on top-cooked in the meantime have you used 10-15 min. frying pan to letbrune onions and letkogte vegetables (leeks-fresh pepper-peas-beans-gulerød. El. + any other meat or fish ester. SI water from the spaghetti and serve with "tripe" from the frying pan. Finally a small prayer or recommendation, it is therefore unnecessary to "oversøle" all the spaghetti with ketchup, it takes the taste from the good food.

Brown never to sample too hard – it takes the taste from the second. A little oil in the boiling water keeps on water evaporation and keeps spahettien separated by server no. Never be afraid to use heated fish-it give's not the boring "musty" taste like meat and poultry always do.