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Seasoned Kødsovs

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Seasoned Kødsovs

optional1-2 dl. water
Burritto mix. (can be purchased in fx. NET)
Champingoner. (according to taste)
Mild Curry. (only a little)
1kgMinced beef
1Handful of corn
1pakSlice bacon
2canMinced/skinned tomatoes

Instructions for Seasoned Kødsovs

To prepare the Seasoned Kødsovs recipe, please follow these instructions:

Start by brushing the bacon, do not get crispy and put on greasy paper.

Chop the onions well and put them in the pan with the oil.
When they are light brown, then add the meat and stir well as it easily burns.
Then bring the spices and stir until it has blended well with the meat and the meat has been passed.
Then add the tomato tomatoes, corn, and squeezed garlic, stirring.
Let it simmeroge in 25-30min.

Cut the championones into four (remove the stick) and put them in the pan with the bacon and simmer for 10 minutes.

Serve with boiled spaghetti / pasta / rice / mashed potatoes.
Sprinkle a little mozeralla / parmasan cheese on the dish and serve with a piece of good bread.

Enjoy :)

If they thought there was not enough wheat then add 1-2 dl. water.