Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Mains Carry Paprika Pepper ...

The meat is fried on a dry pan. Chop the onions and cut the carrots into thin strips. Com meat, onions, carrots, carry, a crumbled bay leaf and 1 teaspoon. paprika in broth water and stir thoroughly. Com salt and pepper in the after taste. Celery and green pep

Mains Quite a bit of paprika EVS. garlic Pepper ...

Cut up the onion and Brown in a pan with oil. Turkey, and apologise for wells with rose paprika (save not on it) and add and FRY until they are white. Then add the tomatoes and bell pepper, water, salt, pepper. When the whole is good hot, add cream (can be par

Mains Green bell pepper Paprika, edelsuss Salt ...

The meat is cut into cubes and Brown in margarine. Onions in large cubes in the Pan and Brown with. Paprika sprinkled over and stir around until it is distributed. Salt and water are added, and the right småkoger ca. 1/2 time. The peppers cut into strips. T

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Pepper Salt ...

Brown the bacon in a pan without fat Add the chopped onion, and fry them without Brown too much Brown the meat lightly with onion and Bacon Add the paprika, tomato puree and water, and cook about 15 minutes with lid Add the peeled tomatoes, garlic

Mains Eggs Condensed milk Margarine ...

Dissolve sugar and salt in the water, add the milk, eggs and flour and mix well. Add margarine Knead the dough until it is smooth and no longer sticking, share the dough for approx. 70 grams large pieces form dough into balls as you brushes with margarin

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Chop the onion and cut the other vegetables into fine pieces (slices or cubes). Inserts cracks in the exterior of the osso buco pieces, such that they are not bows, when it is browned. Season osso bucoen with salt and pepper Brown the meat for excessive hea

Mains A little butter Some leaves fresh basil Pepper ...

Grouse cleaned for remaining feathers and rinse out-and inside. Then prepare the filling. Parsley, basil, onion, garlic, chopped finely, like 1/2 hønsebouillon cube in food processor. The mixture is filled into quails. In a frying pan heated butter and oil.

Mains Pepper Salt Corn flour cornstarch ...

Plaster Club free of sinew and the like. Crush the juniper berries in a mortar. Rub the mallet with crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper. Spread half of the butter over. Put the mallet on ovnristen over the saucepan. Set the mallet in a 225 degree C. alm.