Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Appetizers (for a thinner dressing, add a little milk during whipping) Dill fin nipset Cucumber ...

steamed fish in baking pan in the oven with water 4 cups water, and Bay and covered with staniol of 220 g preheated oven 20-25 my fish made for cooling. eggs boiled hard boiled Dressing touched. chilled cod be laid on a platter gently added pieces of

Mains Flütes Green Salad Curry ...

Got plenty of butter on a frying pan. Slice the onion into slices and tomatoes in both. Com salt on one side of the koteletterne and put them on the forehead. Add onion and tomato slices between koteletterne and pepper came on. Come on alternately rest of spic

Mains Pepper Curry Rice ...

1 onion peeled and chopped carrot) 2) flesh tearing FRY in margarine onions and spices add 3) vans carrot rice and tomato puree add 4) When the right cooker screwed there down flared and the right småkoger ca 20 min under the lid. 5) tubes in the pot occasiona

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Put the chicken in a bowl and luck colaen files over and let them marinate for at least a couple of hours. Cut the onion into small cubes and Brown the carrots and grate them coarsely. Peel, then add the carrots. Take Chicken files up and brown them in o

Appetizers Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Isinglass soaked in cold water. the cream whipped. tuna whipped into pieces with whips. Sour cream, whipped cream, salt, pepper, lemon juice and tomato puree are mixed together. a little of the mixture is stirred into the melted gelatin and then the rest of

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Saithe fillets reversed in a sweet chili sauce and breadcrumbs and half the sesame seeds. The fish fry in oil at medium heat until it is crispy and light brown. The noodles are cooked in boiling water about 3. minutes, drained and reversed with fresh choppe

Mains Herbs A little oil Chopped tomatoes ...

squeeze garlic and fry it in oil. Add the meat and FRY until brown. Add the tomato puree and chopped tomatoes, and stir. Add salt, pepper and pizza seasoning. Let it all simmer for about 10 minutes. butter a casserole dish with oil, and place the lasagna sh

Soups Beef bouillon cubes + water Olive oil for frying Cumin seeds ...

Roast beef with salt and pepper--it must not boil, so if too much meat juice poured it just from and added later. Add the onion, hvigløg, and celery and cook for a few minutes. Tomato paste and peeled tomatoes added with oksebouillonen (you can always ad