Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Soy sauce

Mains Pepper, freshly ground Salt Egg white, letpisket ...

Cut the peppers into thin strips, cut the fish into short thick pieces. Stir maizena, egg white, soy sauce and fish broth together in a large bowl, join the fish pieces and mix well together. Heat the oil in a thickened pan, put the fish pieces in, light

Soups Salt Choy sum Peanut oil ...

Put the mushrooms in soft water in boiling water for 20 minutes, let them dripping off and squeeze out excess moisture, cut them well. Boil the noodles quickly in boiling water as directed by the package, let them drip well. Cut the leaves of the stems on c

Mains Chinese cabbage Garlic Ginger root in ca. 2.5 cm ...

Boil the rice. Bring the peas in salted water (½ teaspoon salt) and boil them for 5 min. Pour the water off. Peel the gingerbread and chop it well. Arrow and press whitewashed. Cut onion and chinakilla in slices. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and

Appetizers Coriander leaves Pepper Salt ...

Season the garlic in oil, add the mushrooms and turn them quickly. Season with salt, pepper, sugar and soy sauce. Remove the frying pan and indicate the braised mushrooms on a dish. Sprinkle with pepper and coriander leaves.

Mains Oil Finely chopped onion Raisins ...

The meat is cut into fingernail strips and browned in butter. Turn curry and onions until the onions are ready and added. Cook the pan off with the other ingredients, with the exception of bananas. Boil it with low heat for approx. 20 min. Or until the m

Mains Cucumber tomato spell and possibly rice Oil Tahin sesame paste ...

Turn the meat strips into the tahin and put them in Wok or a good frying pan in a little oil. Add the soy sauce and add to the carameliser. Server with tomato and cucumber and rice to.

Mains Cremefaiche Mango chutney Pepper ...

Cook the potatoes for about 10 minutes. And put them in the oven for 20 min. Peel and chop the onions nicely and add them to butter or oil. Add calf and cook until golden. Add pure spices and water. Let it simmer for 10 min. Taste with salty pepper .Spare d

Mains Pepper Salt Bread crumb ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Mix dad, onions, eggs, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper together. Roll to meatballs. Heat the oil on a pan and brown meatballs. Put them on a fireproof dish and set them aside. Mix the sauce ingredients except peaches in a bowl. Po