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Recipes with Salt

Lunch (to go) Salt Grahams Buttermilk ...

1. Measure all ingredients. 2. Load baking paper on one baking sheet. 3. Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. 4. Crumble the yeast in a bowl. 5. Pour water and buttermilk In the bowl. Stir well. 6. Pour salt and oil into bowl. Tube. 7. Come grahamsmelet

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Salt Vaniliesukker ...

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Mix flour, salt and soda. Stir the fat, sugar and vanilla sugar together to a steady amount. Add the eggs and whip until they become light and airy. Whip the flour mixture and oatmeal slowly. Chop the chocolate and then stir th

Dressing Pepper Salt Season with ...

Take the cream frishen, chop the dill and chives. Mix it together and taste for mustard and lettuce, pepper ..

Bread, buns & biscuits Garlic to taste (I used an entire garlic) Wheat flour Butter or magarine for brushing ...

The yeast is poured into the warm water. Add salt and sugar and stir until it is melted. Add the stuffed egg, oil and garlic (save some garlic to brushing). The flour is kneaded until the dough has a suitable consistency. Raises for half an hour. The oven i

Mains Curry Potatoes for 4 pers Boiling water ...

The Gris-O-Letters will probably be ordered today at the butcher, I do not think they can be bought anymore, you can also make them yourself, see under addictive comments. The gris-o-glasses are browned on both sides and placed in a small frying pan or oven-p

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes and parsnips peeled and boiled. Remember to get salt in the water. Onion and bacon cut into fine tern and sautéed on a pan. When the onion has begun to become transparent, lightly scrub the pan, season the pheasant with salt and pepper and place i

Mains Cheddar or other cheese for topping if you are to the Possibly Brussels sprouts if you ka li it and just have it lying Pepper ...

Chop onion, mushroom, celery, olive, garlic and sauté in a pan. Add beef and brown with cayenne pepper, peppers, thyme, salt and pepper Add 1/3 of the chop. Tomato and whole tomato paste Cut out of the peppers by cutting around the green at the top and fi

Mains 0.5-1 garlic 1 ds. coconut milk Curry ...

Finely chopped onion and possibly garlic easily swirled with curry The meat is browned with loaf and salt and pepper Then the cabbage is switched with Then add chopped tomato and possibly coconut milk and let it boil for about 5 minutes tips: Perhaps a