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Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

Smoked halibut is cut into slices. The spinach is rinsed and blanched and chopped roughly, then sautéed in the pot, set the water to be evaporated. Whip cream is added and cooked evenly. The eggs are poached in water and vinegar.

Appetizers Egg stand Dill Margarine ...

Egg Stand: Past. Egg yolks and egg whites whip with milk and salt, pour into molds sprayed with margarine. Place in the oven in water bath at 110 ° C for approx. 50 minutes. Filodejkurve: Cut the file sheet into suitable sizes (4 layers for each basket), br

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Lemon ...

The halibut is chopped and mixed with onion, dill, pepper, oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Decorate on dish and decorate with lemon slices, dillkvist and egg yolks in shell.

Appetizers Broad leaves of parsley White pepper Lola rosa lettuce ...

Mousse: Add the smoked halibut, soft butter add and stir, then add creamy fry, fine grated apple, lemon juice and white pepper and stir together. Mixed house leaves are added and refrigerated. Cream fraiche, lemon juice and salt are mixed together and flavore

Mains Pepper Salt Fennel ...

The fennel is cooked tenderly for approx. 15-20 min. It is cooled and blended with the other ingredients for the dressing. Season with salt and pepper. Smoked halibut and smoked salmon are served on a dish, on each side. The salad is put in the middle together

Appetizers Pepper Salt Celery ...

The vegetables are peeled, rinsed and chopped very nicely. Boil the sauce with 75 g of butter until it is even. The vegetables come in and the sauce is whipped with the rest of the butter. Season with salt and pepper. The halibut discs are served on plates or

Appetizers Fresh dill Pepper Salt ...

Choose 40 great shrimps. Blend the remaining prawns with cream cheese and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper and refrigerate. Place small lettuce leaves on a plate to form the petals of a flower. Cut tomatoes and lemons into small triangles and place the

Appetizers Water Chopped dill Salt ...

The halibut slices are rolled together and placed on a dish. The onions are peeled and cut into rings. The water is boiled and poured over the bulbs. Drip off for a short period of 5 minutes. Onion, chillis sauce, olive oil, dill and salt are brought together,