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Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Sides Freshly ground pepper Oil Salt ...

Put the crushed potatoes in a dish and press it flat so all excess moisture from the potatoes disappears. The potatoes are then poured into a bowl and mixed with salt and pepper. Grease small aloeforms with oil and fill in the potato mass. Bake in the oven

Sides Freshly ground pepper Oil for frying Salt ...

Tear the potatoes on the rough side of a grater. Lay the potato strips - a little at a time - in a clean dish, turn them away from the dishes and place them in a bowl. Add the chives and season with salt and pepper. Heat the oil on a pan (possibly a blinispand

Sides Freshly ground pepper Salt Melted butter or margarine ...

Cut the potatoes into quite thin slices. (Use the cutlery in a food processor or a cucumber) Grease a 20 cm cast iron pan or pie form with 1 tablespoon of butter. Put one third of the potato slices in a circle, slightly overlapping, over the bottom. Sprinkl

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Little ruccola salad Tomatoes ...

Cover the cheese with bacon and spice with pepper and grill it in the oven for 6-8 minutes. Season with ruccola and tomato slices and serve immediately.

Mains Lemon both Dill Dill for garnish ...

Peel the carrot and cut it into thin spells. Cut the peppers into thin strips. Stir them in a little butter in a saucepan until they are almost tender. Fill them in the fish fillets and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roll up. Sprinkle a flame dish with a li

Mains Fresh Marjoram Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The fillet is rubbed with salt and pepper and fry with a little oil and butter approx. 30 min must be reversed 4 times to achieve the interval drawing effect. Take it up and let it rest before cutting. The pan is boiled with beef fin and cooked with freshly ch

Mains Dill A hint of chili A citronbåd ...

Season the spoon with lemon juice and season with salt, pepper and chilli. Shrimp, garlic, olives, lemon and dill are turned into marinade and kept cold until next day. Remember to serve bread

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Bay leaf ...

Cut the eggplant into slices and shake them in oil on the forehead. Place them on the bottom of an ovenproof dish. Chop the chopped onions in oil until golden. Add the chopped meat and stir until it has split. Add the other ingredients and boil the meat for 10