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Recipes with Freshly ground pepper

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Butter roasted flûtesskiver Wine Vinegars (URf.eks. white wine vinegar) ...

Stirred butter: Stir butter with the other ingredients and cover it approx. ½ hour. Stir the butter up before serving and put it in a small bowl. Bring the half asparagus into boiling water with salt and boil them 2-3 min., After thickness. Let them drip in

Salads A sprinkle ground cinnamon Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

Put the lettuce leaves in water for a couple of hours - then they will be really crisp. Cut them into 4 cm wide strips. Stir the dressing together and pour it over the salad, turn around and sprinkle with some sugar.

Appetizers Dill sprigs Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt ...

Arrow the whole shrimp. Bring the asparagus in boiling water with salt and cook them 2-3 min., After thickness. Let them drip into a door layer. Green sauce: Blend whipped cream and dill for approx. 20 sec. Bring cremefraiche into a small saucepan and heat

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little English sauce Salt ...

Stir mayonnaise, tomato ketchup and milk or cream together. Taste the sauce with salt, pepper, English sauce and cognac. Cut the meat big cubes of approx. 2 cm. Heat the oil in a pan on the stove. Pour the oil into the fondue pot and put it on the rechau

Mains Freshly ground pepper Wheat flour Salt ...

The fillet is seasoned and flaked in flour, greased in medium fat until it hardly yields when pressed with the thumb. Let it cool on a plate. Lay the fillet on the spoon slices, they are side by side, butter the honey and roll them over the fillet. Roll the

Mains Freshly ground pepper Capers Horseradish ...

Stir the meat to a farmer with broth, egg, salt and freshly ground pepper. Form them into large flat cobwebs and turn them into raspberries. Stack the cobwebs on a pan about 5 minutes on each side. Put the cranberries on a dish and put a slice of lemon on,

Mains Cream Freshly ground pepper Chinese soy sauce ...

Rasp the soap in the water for a few minutes or the potatoes moses. Mix the meat with salt, pepper, rasp or mashed potatoes. And water. The mixture is stirred for a father with egg and cream. Grease the dad on a water-washed cutting board for approx. 1 cm.

Mains Freshly ground pepper Good oil or butter for frying Salt ...

The calves are seasoned with salt and pepper and cooked for 3-4 minutes. On each side at even heat. The onions brune, the orange juice is added and boiled through. Come on the onion sauce at the calf fever. Asparagus potatoes with onion: Garlic and onion bo