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Recipes with Celeriac

Sauces A little soy sauce Maizenamel Pepper ...

Lobster shells Brown lightly in the alm oven and pour in a pan. Cold water is added and cooked up. All the herbs are washed, cleaned and cut into coarse pieces and place in a roasting pan. Tomato purée and red wine is added and baked in the oven, under a fe

Salads Apple Sour cream 18% Celeriac ...

Rinse and dry the lettuce. Put the salad at the bottom of a bowl and came the fruit on top. Stir in mayonnaise and sour cream together and mix it into the salad. Arrow the eggs and remove the yolks out. Chop the whites and add to the salad. Fit the yolks

Salads Iceberg-and friséesalat Herbs Oil ...

Jerusalem artichokes peeled and cut into cubes in thin slices. Port wine and oil whisked together, and the discs are changed in the dressing. Jerusalem artichokes seasoned with salt and pepper and made cold a few hours. Leeks, celery and carrots peeled and cut

Mains Citronmelisse leaves Pepper Salt ...

Meat FRY in oil first 10 minutes with the skin downwards, then 5 minutes on the other side. Account shall be taken of the forehead and seasoned with salt and pepper. Celery is peeled and cut into thin slices and then into small rods. Apples cut into bars. C

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Olive oil ...

Mix grated celery, grated cheese, pressed garlic, egg and breadcrumbs and season with salt and pepper. Tube forcemeat well and form 4 patties. Cook the pasta al dente according to the bag's instructions. Rose Meanwhile celery steaks Golden in half of the

Mains Herbal salt Virgin olive oil Eggs ...

Peel peeled and coarsely grated. Mix with 2 together beaten eggs, turmeric and herbal salt. The oil is warmed up in a frying pan and celery mixture accepted on. The FRY by good heat on both sides until it is light brown and coherent. Can be served as a separat

Soups The white of 3 leeks into rings White pepper Cold water ...

Rinse the meat in cold water and place it in a large soup pot with the cleaned vegetables, etc. Pour cold water over to cover it, and let it boil slowly up to it quivers gently. Cream soup of impurities, while the boils up. Boil the soup 2-3 hours, after which

Mains Oregano Celeriac Chopped tomato ...

The pasta cooked in salted water according to instructions. Leeks, celeriac and onion cut into cubes and FRY in a pan with a little oil. Brown the minced meat, add a pressed garlic, a bit of oregano and chopped tomatoes. At the bottom of an ovenproof